The butcher is not dead

Leanna 2021-10-18 09:29:12

This is a story about revenge.

The story of personal revenge and hatred is intertwined with the focal issues of the entire era. In the end, the story of strong personal hatred and revenge disappears in the background of countless personal hatred stories.

The city of New York is constantly changing. There have been countless true and strong individual stories that have happened in the long river of history. The dust returned and the dust returned finally merged in the long river of history. After several years have passed, those past stories have become Legends one by one...Okay, no nagging, enough words to talk about the butcher

In fact, the butcher did not die in the end,

Due to the changes of the times, he later switched to cross-border careers

Entered the fashion industry as a tailor,

He put down the butcher knife and picked up the scissors.

Become a well-known fashion designer.

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Gangs of New York quotes

  • Boss Tweed: We're burying a lot of votes tonight.

  • Amsterdam Vallon: Jenny was a Bluget, a girl pickpocket and a turtledove. A turtledove picks out a fine house, disguises herself as a housemaid and robs you blind. It takes a lot of sand to be a turtledove.