The most anticipated movie of 2020 #latent 5 dark field#

Camryn 2021-12-27 08:01:52

Film Critic: The most anticipated movie of 2020#latent5暗域#

This is the fifth installment in the "Latent" series. The biggest hot spot this year is whether it is Wen Ziren's return to directing. James Wynn can be said to be a benchmark in the thriller class. The most well-known series should be the Chainsaw Horror series that has left a shadow on thousands of childhood.

The first poster was still the familiar old lady. The story revolved around the fact that the family of the music teacher who lived in the old lady's childhood house was plagued by evil spirits and laid out the truth behind it.

According to the current stills, after experiencing the darkness of evil spirits from the first to the fourth, this part may be the end of the latent series, a battle against the red-faced monster.

And the film is ready to be released online, and I will see you on May 5th this holiday. Fans who like suspense and horror, are they gearing up for it?

View more about Insidious: The Last Key reviews

Extended Reading

Insidious: The Last Key quotes

  • Elise Rainier: I'm going to get the attention of all the spirits in this house. I need things that were important to Garza. Specs, go upstairs. There is a bible he held very dear to him. It was a red, King James version; I need you to find it. Take Imogen with you.

    Specs: Okay.

    Elise Rainier: And do not let her out of your sight.

    Specs: I won't.

    [Specs and Imogen head upstairs]

    Elise Rainier: Tucker and I are going down to the fallout shelter.

    Tucker: What- I get the death chamber and he gets bible camp with the most beautiful girl on earth? That's not a democracy.

    Elise Rainier: You're the only one I trust to go down there with me.

    Tucker: [under his breath as he follows Elise] Don't patronize me woman.

  • [first lines]

    Prison Officer: Lights Out!