freak world

Kaylah 2021-12-25 08:01:05

The total time of the whole drama is almost a longer movie. It's really funny. British humor always has a natural and a little bit cheating that makes people laugh. It's not the kind of teasing you tell you, hey you should laugh. It's funny, but that kind. Let you smile naturally.
Maybe it's because my mood is really bad recently, and everything looks a bit heavy.
Inexplicably feel that Bernard is very happy. He lives in a messy, crazy and closed world of his own, which is out of step with normal people's life, but he gets caring from fran and manny.
What's rare is that even if Fran confronted this freak bernard and scolded him for only drinking and smoking, she still accepted him as he was. Concerned about him helping him to be his friend without changing him. In that case, it becomes a domestically made inspirational friendship film-how to help your strange friend re-enter the society.
Everyone should have a small world of their own, but everyone thinks that a person should live according to the way most people live, as if there are more people who make mistakes, the wrong becomes right. Just as there are too many uneducated people, it is useless for us to focus on phonetics anymore, but to change the dictionary instead.
A person should have the right to own a world where he is incompatible with others, he should have the right to be, if he wants to, always be a freak, but this life does not allow you to be like this. So in fact, even though Bernard looks bad, messy and unkempt, he lives very well.
In fact, some people are not surprised, but they have not been terribly assimilated by society. Just like bernard, he is just too direct, life is too simple, so innocent and indifferent, so he becomes a freak. But Freak’s small world is actually very beautiful. He may not say or express. In that messy bookstore, you have to endure second-hand smoke, take-out boxes with rats and bees, and stick to yourself at any time. Bread slices on the ceiling, but that little bookstore is safe. It may not be warm, but it can make your life simple and practical. It's like some people look strange, but in fact they will not hurt you the least. So manny, who has been around, will come back last.
A comedy that I said is about to become an educational film-anyway, anyway, it is very beautiful and funny.
And, the appearance of martin freeman in e01 is really a small surprise. I really like this actor. He doesn't have a lot of things that people can notice at a glance like some actors. Instead, he seems to be covered with a faint and soft light. The more you look at his works, the more flavorful you feel. The digested calm book or something~~ Haha.

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Black Books quotes

  • Bernard: [selling a book] Enjoy. It's dreadful, but it's quite short.

  • Bernard: Whores will have their trinkets.

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