Black Bookstore

Kirsten 2021-12-25 08:01:05

"The complaining Leonardo Bloom runs a second-hand record store with Danny the fool bearded clerk. When they are with their neurotic neighbor Pan, they make a lot of jokes." "Where did they get this garbage? Even children can..." "They all treat us as idiots." "Fools" "They are proud of themselves." The familiar audience smiled knowingly when they saw this. This line is for this comedy and even the screenwriter. Self-deprecating.
Different from the American dramas where the role plots are endless, the characters and locations of "Blake Bookstore" are very fixed and simple. There are only three characters: the owner Bernard has a rough temper and an aversion to running a bookstore. It is composed of Manny, the only clerk, and unpleasant customers. The main content of his life; Manny was originally an accountant who was bored and anxious about work. After swallowing a small book about calm, his temper became docile and weak, and he became the best candidate to be yelled about. Confusion often puts herself and others in trouble; Fran, the only girl, is better than men when she is not so close, but her own work, life, and relationships are often messed up.
Throughout the comedy, the interdependent relationship between the three people is the main driving force for the development of the story. Bernard treats Manny savagely, treating him as his servant, child, or even pet, and controlling him like private property; if others treat Manny well, it is inevitable to be a little jealous. Most of the time, Manny accepted it, and occasionally ran away from home to resist a little. Fran, the two's only partner, played the role of balance and mediation, pacifying Manny, and urging Bernard to make concessions. Compared with Bernard, who barely leaves home and becomes polite when he goes outside, Fran and Manny still have some contacts with the outside world, but this attempt mostly ends in failure.
The talk show comedian Morandiland who plays Bernard is also the main screenwriter, which makes the whole series hilarious and ridiculous. The three people traveled to France for two weeks in order to avoid the noise of decoration next door, but bought cheap air tickets for only £4, spent 13 days on the round trip machine, and stayed at the destination Saint Honoré for only 4 hours. The three people stepped off the plane for the last time, and Bernard said, "I don't care where this is, I won't get on another plane." "I think this is Miami." "Well, I want to live here, Sell ​​guns to children." When they turned the window and returned to the bookstore (the key was lost by Manny on the road), Bernard gave Manny a break up speech: "I used to have a good time with you, but now we The relationship is over. All you have brought me are pain, poverty, and fighting. I wish you all the best and prosperous. It is annoying for you to stand here. This is your salary (saying and paying), sorry , I gave you Ethiopian currency, but it’s all your fault! Go! Good luck, goodbye!” (Pushing Manny’s collar out) “You can’t run this bookstore by yourself...” “No matter How I will struggle to live!"
If you think that there is only chaos and funny in the Black Bookstore, then you would underestimate the genius of the screenwriters and actors. Creators are extremely keen to grasp and observe reality. They penetrate all kinds of ridiculous places in life, and then interpret them exaggeratedly. For example, when people are unable to face difficulties and pressures, all kinds of escapes become great laughs. Bernard came up with various ways to dodge, postpone the settlement, tidy up the socks, call the nagging mother, and even provoke the street gangsters in exchange for a fat beating, so that he can be disabled without having to settle the accounts; Fran In order to get rid of the emptiness, he went to the streets to buy newspapers but bought an Opel Astra station wagon. The relatives in Eastern Europe that Cha's family tree found were haunting her because of the car, and Fran drove them away only after setting the car on fire and smashing the car. In order to deal with his parents, Manny lied that he was a partner in the bookstore and had a girlfriend named Fran.
As a highly acclaimed comedy series, "Black Bookstore" has maintained a relatively high standard overall, and the ending of the series is very flavorful. The three came home drunk on the weekend night, and the girl who had an affinity with Manny came to the door. Bernard learned that his girlfriend, who had been dead for many years, was alive and well, and even kept in touch with Fran, because he couldn’t stand him. Nader lied and left. Bernard took off his jacket a bit awkwardly, covered the drunk Fran, took her cell phone and dialed the phone of his ex-girlfriend. The one who yelled at the hung up cell phone, "How can a dead person hang up a living person's phone", was the familiar violent and willful Bernard; sitting at the table lighted a cigarette, laughing and laughing at Manny and his girlfriend The pink earmuffs on his head are almost unnoticeable-the story of the Black Bookstore continues, but he obviously has no objection to the search for happiness.

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Black Books quotes

  • Bernard: [selling a book] Enjoy. It's dreadful, but it's quite short.

  • Bernard: Whores will have their trinkets.

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