Short and concise, even idle chatting is a paving or promotion element of the plot

Valentin 2022-09-18 19:52:25

#精神乱乱# ★★★★★, the wall crack recommendation, a thriller with road rage as the introduction and clues, the director uses very realistic shooting methods, only leads the audience with a tense rhythm, stacking up a sense of suffocation, and it What really makes people think about is the daily and random nature of the incident. Although perverted murderers are not common, if you don’t arrive late for work or school, you don’t change lanes after traffic jams, you don’t wait for a red light at that intersection, and you don’t If the troubles of life and work make the heroine's emotions explode, there will be no follow-up plot. Unexpectedly, this film is so short and sturdy. There are not many movies in less than 90 minutes this year, and within this limited time, there are no extra shots. Even the early days seem to be chatting and living in respect for the elderly. The old mothers in the community, the younger brothers and prospective sister-in-laws in the community, the candy scissors, the old houses on the streets like a maze, the neighbor’s new cars, etc. all pave the way for the future plot and even become the key elements to promote the plot. This movie can be regarded as an excellent transportation department propaganda film, which is much deeper than the playful Beijing Third Transportation Committee propaganda poem in "The Wandering Earth"... At the end of the film, the heroine once again encounters the critical point that she is about to be angry. Stopping his hand to the horn, the son sitting behind said in a summary "wise choice". I think of an old saying: Take a step back and broaden the sky. Maybe people feel that they can beat each other when they are on the road. Maybe simply feel that a few words will not hurt themselves. Maybe there is really no perverted murderer in a harmonious society. , But there are always people who are more "bear" than you. There is a sky outside the sky, and there is a "bear" outside the "bear". When you find that you can't provoke the other person, you really can't stop this "bad day" or even Paying a bigger and less worthy price ruined the rest of my life. ——Jiujie Film Critic

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Unhinged quotes

  • The Man: [to Rachel] I'm sorry... but I don't think you know what a really bad day is! But you'll fucking learn.

  • Kyle: [to Rachel] Did you remember my Butterfinger Blizzard?