These days, I didn't have the patience to get angry, so I just started doing it.

Armando 2022-10-19 15:32:49

3 stars, the film is short and concise, and it's ready to go when it comes up. The male protagonist is abnormal and cruel, the female protagonist is stupid and bad, anyway, you are unkind and I am unrighteous. It's all insanity, you deserve to be unlucky. There is no preaching content in the film, but you can understand the truth by yourself! People in these days have no patience anymore. If you start a fire, you will retaliate against the society frantically. The only educational significance of this film is. In case one day when you are in a hurry, you meet someone who is more anxious than you, and it is not uncommon for you to come and die directly. So, cherish each, keep calm, and don't be "insanity."

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Unhinged quotes

  • The Man: [to Rachel] I'm sorry... but I don't think you know what a really bad day is! But you'll fucking learn.

  • Kyle: [to Rachel] Did you remember my Butterfinger Blizzard?