Heart demon

Anne 2022-09-11 21:55:14

I first understood it this way: After Gordon and Wendy had a daughter, the pressure in their lives increased suddenly. The excessive pressure caused a certain string in Gordon’s heart to break. So one day when he returned home, due to a trivial matter, he sent his own wife. Both the woman and the dog were killed. But he continued to work. Later, the string became more and more tighter. His condition got worse and worse. He doubted his work partner. In the end, he killed all of his work partners. This line of Simon was regarded as a hidden line, just for the sake of It proves that schizophrenia homicide existed before, exists now, and will exist in the future.
But I feel that the details are a bit wrong. Of course, I think Mary (Simon) is right.
But on Gordon's side, people have been calling him wake up, and the pictures on the wall don't feel like I understood before.
So I think a more reasonable interpretation is that Gordon, like Mary, went to a mental hospital after killing someone, and completely forgot the fact of the murder. In order to understand the details, the doctor hypnotized him, that is, his partners in the play were actually split after he killed them. Maybe these partners do exist, but these partners in this play are his split personality. The doctor has always Leading him to recall, his personality disappeared one by one, leaving only his dominant personality Gordon, and he finally told the truth like Simon.
Simon's "I live in the weak, in the wounded" at the end of the film is meant to imply that anyone can become like this, so don't put too much pressure on yourself.
I don't know if I understand it right, so please discuss it with those who are interested. Thank you Cat for recommending this video~

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Extended Reading

Session 9 quotes

  • Jeff: I swear he was up here! Why would I make this up?

  • Jeff: [on the verge of tears] When I saw Hank, I... I think he had BLOOD on his hands...

    Phil: [looking slightly concerned] ... Stay here.