Simon's curse

Robin 2022-09-05 15:43:20

1. The scenes where G made several phone calls in the mental hospital all indicate the worsening of his condition step by step. In the later part of the film, when G walked into room 444, which was formerly Mary's room, the background sound was Session. Simon's narrative in 9, from the narrative of "him", it can be boldly inferred that G, who suffers from multiple personality disorders, and Mary’s inner dark personality have the same power, which can be seen through G from Mary’s photos. Seeing the photos of the wife and daughter, it seems to be telling the crimes committed by these two mental patients against their families. Here, the director has laid two lines, namely Simon’s statement and G's treatment of the wife and daughter under normal circumstances. Analysis of the murder.

2. Regarding G's sensitivity to coins, I think he is still analyzing G's personality. For G who is suffering from mental illness, he is very suspicious. That coin seems to be a fuse, which detonates G's heart one after another. The distrust of his colleagues awakens the potential Simon in his heart to hurt his colleagues.

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Extended Reading

Session 9 quotes

  • Jeff: I swear he was up here! Why would I make this up?

  • Jeff: [on the verge of tears] When I saw Hank, I... I think he had BLOOD on his hands...

    Phil: [looking slightly concerned] ... Stay here.