Too much over-interpretation

Birdie 2022-07-29 17:57:53

After reading the top few reviews, you sometimes have a preconceived illusion because of some movies you have watched before, such as "Fatal ID", "Closed Island" and so on. So first, explain a few points where everyone is prone to misunderstanding:

1. Gordon’s friends are real, not virtual personalities.
The most obvious evidence is that Gordon and Phil were discussing business with the employer at the beginning. The employer is always illusory again, right? And the older brother who was on duty behind him, he clearly saw Hank's body, which is definitely not an illusion or a split personality. If the whole film is about a split personality story, it must give obvious evidence like "Fatal ID", but this film does not mention it at all.

2. Gordon should not be a patient in the hospital.
The hospital was closed in the 1980s. Gordon’s killing of his wife and daughter is the most recent thing (the evidence is flowers). It’s impossible for people to be homeless for more than ten years and marry a wife, right? And Gordon's condition gradually worsened from Monday to Friday, indicating that the emergence of multiple personalities should be after the accident. As for why there is Gordon's family photo in Ward 444, I guess it was posted when Gordon was sleepwalking. Looking at the blood stains on the photo, it shows that it was posted after the murder occurred, and it must have existed when the hospital was open.

In fact, the last short paragraph of the film has explained Gordon’s crime in great detail: first, the background recording described the outbreak of stress caused by a small accident after Gordon returned home the night before, the appearance of an evil personality and the killing of his wife and children. And the dog; and then sleepwalking and crippled Hank that night; then on Thursday, Hank appeared, Phil went after Hank first, and then returned to room 444 to meet Gordon. He said to Gordon, "I found Hank. He said you did it, is it true?” It was this sentence that made Gordon’s evil personality reappear, helped Gordon kill Phil, and then attacked Mike and Jeff (at this time the camera sweeps all the way Four dead bodies). It was discovered on Friday morning that Phil of Hank was actually just Gordon’s imagination. It was like he called his wife. It was an illusory dream. That’s why Phil would call him "wake up!"

As for Mary’s article. The dark line just shows that under pressure, everyone may be forced to have a split personality and perform normal behaviors that they dare not do. It has nothing to do with Gordon himself.

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Extended Reading

Session 9 quotes

  • Jeff: I swear he was up here! Why would I make this up?

  • Jeff: [on the verge of tears] When I saw Hank, I... I think he had BLOOD on his hands...

    Phil: [looking slightly concerned] ... Stay here.