Simon is everywhere

Cameron 2022-07-29 12:05:38

Where do you live, Simon?
I live in the weak and wounded...

I think this is what the director wants to tell the audience.

In Session 1-8, every time Simon is mentioned, it will cause a panic and tremor. Then as the music artificially or naturally breaks, it leaves people with suspense. We vaguely realize that Simon is the initiator, but where is he? But it attracts us to look down.

Mary in the tape in the play is a reflection of the protagonist Golden. He didn't know what was wrong with him, he didn't know why he lost his family and everything overnight, just like Mary's cry on the tape at the beginning-I wanna go home, I miss my family...
and then follow a disc A tape slowly revealed Mary's unknown personality, and Golden's condition gradually became clear.
He is contradictory, he is unconscious, he is morbid, perhaps it is the accumulation of pressure that makes a small matter the fuse of another personality outbreak, crushing the last feather of the camel.

If we didn't understand what happened to Golden at first, then we can recover the story from Mary's case.
She/he killed the fuse, and then killed the whole family out of control, because if they didn't kill the others, they would find...this was their demon, and also where their weakness and wounds were.

As Mary’s hidden violent personality, Simon didn’t think it was his fault. He kept repeating: they want me to do,
and at the same time, Golden has always heard the same voice—do it... This bewitching voice is him. The hidden hint of a violent personality.

In the end, when session9 released Simon's voice, the audience's heart shook with it-this is the same voice in Golden's heart, it signaled tragedy, but it also exists in all cowardice and wounds, making people have nowhere to escape. ..

I suddenly remembered a sentence in the confinement island-To live as a monster...or to die as a good man.
The premise is, if we can choose.

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Extended Reading

Session 9 quotes

  • Jeff: I swear he was up here! Why would I make this up?

  • Jeff: [on the verge of tears] When I saw Hank, I... I think he had BLOOD on his hands...

    Phil: [looking slightly concerned] ... Stay here.