Three interesting adaptations of the first episode compared to the movie version

Lamont 2022-09-21 20:17:33

After watching the first episode of the drama version, I have a deep impression of the three adaptations.

① In the 07 movie version, the dean wanted to poison Asriel in the original work, and the church personnel were poisoned. The version of the play has been changed back. We were later told that the dean did this both because he wanted to protect Laila, but also because he wanted to protect the "academic freedom" of the college. If Asriel is allowed to speak, the college may be deprived of "academic freedom."

② After the opening of the first episode of the drama version, it is the scholar who teaches Laila. The content of the class is the "Bible" of the parallel world: your eyes will be bright, your elves will be stereotyped, and you will be able to distinguish good from evil like a god. Laila is distracted, the scholar asks Laila to repeat, and Laila repeats: I will become a god and can distinguish between good and evil. The scholar immediately corrected and said: Being like a god does not mean becoming a god.

Anyone who knows a little about the "Bible" knows that the above words are imitating the "Bible", and as soon as they came up, they violated the church's taboo: people are like gods, but they can never become gods.

There is no such dialogue in the movie version. The setting about the parallel world "Bible" appeared late in the original work, but the drama version pulled it to the beginning.

③In the play, when Asriel was doing Pre in front of scholars, he had disputes and disagreements with the dean over "academic freedom". The dean believes that if academic freedom is to be maintained, heretical speech cannot be made, and Asriel pursues "true academic freedom." The 07 movie version does not.

From these three adaptations, it can be seen that the screenwriter of the drama version is more bold than the screenwriter of the 07 movie version, or for fear that the audience will not understand it.

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