John McClane, NYPD

Melany 2021-10-18 09:29:05

The iconic line in "Die Hard" is the protagonist's self-introduction: "John McClane, NYPD." This sentence has been floating in the cinema for 20 years, and it is also the same as the "My name is" in 007. Bond, James Bond" The difference is that John McClane belongs to only one man: Bruce Willis.

In 1988, many children who are now watching movies were not born yet. In order to save his wife, John McClane, a drunk man and police officer in New York, stumbled and dyed his white vest reddish brown (his blood and other people's blood); 1990 In 2016, to save his wife who was about to break up, John McClane dyed the white vest reddish brown at the airport; in 1995, John McClane found a good black friend, and then dyed the small vest reddish brown again .

Twelve years later, the latest episode of Die Hard is here. It is still John McClane, it is still screaming fight + gunfighting + explosion, it is still inadvertently involved in a shocking case, and it is still a small policeman (or should Said it is the old police) Against a large group of well-trained criminals, these things are always attractive to old comrades like us, and may be small cases for teenagers who are used to playing bloodier and more violent video games. In order to please the children, many new elements have been added to the movie, such as XBox360 and its popular game "Gears of War". Even John McClane’s partner is the protagonist in Apple’s advertisement. The hateful thing is that the old policeman John McClane’s I changed my outfit and didn't wear a white vest, which made me sad for a few seconds. What makes me sad is that in this episode, John McClane degenerates into a hero like the robot in the real lie-the director probably forgot, it is precisely because he is not a hero that we like him.

I don’t want to say too much. In any case, if you look at it from the point of view of action movies alone, it is still very worthwhile to watch in the theater.

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Extended Reading

Live Free or Die Hard quotes

  • Jack Parry: Jack Parry, the NSA. Chuck Summer, DHS Liaison. The White House made the call. Anything you need, we're here to help.

    Deputy Director Miguel Bowman: Help? Wow, that's, that's great.

    Jack Parry: We're gonna need some work space for our people. What can you do for us?

    Deputy Director Miguel Bowman: Well, as you can see, we're using the space, so you guys can go stand in the corner and liaise. And if I need something, I'll just wave to you.

  • Deputy Director Miguel Bowman: Gabriel's not exactly people-friendly.

    John McClane: You think so?