Chariot of fire

Clarabelle 2021-12-21 08:01:22

"Chariot of Fire" 54th Oscar for Best Picture Award. The running time is 123 minutes. This is a feature film based on real people and stories based on sports. A special mention is Eric Liddell, the character in the film, who was born in Tianjin, China. After graduating from Edinburgh University, from 1925 to 1945, he worked as a missionary in Tianjin, Shanxi, Hebei, and Shandong in northern China. In 1945, he died of illness in a Japanese concentration camp in Weifang, Shandong.
The film tells the true story of British youth Eric Liddell and Harold Abraham who participated in the German Olympic Games in Paris in 1924 and won the 400m and 100m championships. Harold is Jewish, and his father is a loan shark. He entered the University of Cambridge School of Law to study. However, he was discriminated against by Jewish descent. He vowed to use his running talent to justify the Jewish names. For this reason, he risked being expelled from Cambridge University and asked professional Italian coaches for coaching and training. Eric from the Scottish Highlands was born into a devout Christian family. He is extremely talented in running. I also firmly believe that this special talent given to him by God must have its purpose. For God's arrangement, he entered the coveted eighth Olympic Games and represented the British team. However, the game is held on the Sabbath (Sunday). The pious Eric did not like to offend the Prince of Wales and other officials, and refused to participate in the Sabbath race by abiding by the doctrine. Under the suggestion of teammate Lin Xi, he participated in the 400m race, which was not the best. Finally won the championship.
Although this movie was once rated as one of the most misleading Oscars, it was still very moved after watching the film. In my opinion this is not a simple inspirational film. It is not a film that promotes the Olympic spirit of "higher, faster, stronger". From the beginning to the end, what runs through the whole film is a kind of heroism and the power of faith dedicated to ideals. The purpose of Harold's competition is to rectify the Jewish blood flowing on him. He firmly believes that he is running for Cambridge, for the country, and for overthrowing racial discrimination. Eric runs for faith. He can feel the joy of God when he runs. For this reason, he smiles when he runs, smiling at the sky at a 45-degree angle, so that everyone around him can't help but transcend race, class, country, and opponents’ beliefs for him. The light is deeply contagious.
Slow motion was used many times in the filming to show people in motion. The athletes' vigorous posture and expressions when they are struggling to run are clearly displayed in front of the audience. The capture of these moments makes the audience feel the charm of sports. Another thing worth mentioning is the theme music of the movie with the same name. This music will definitely be included in all the best film music albums.
"I believe god made me for a purpose, when i run i can feel his pleasure"

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Chariots of Fire quotes

  • Harold M. Abrahams: Gentlemen, you yearn for victory just as I do. But achieved with the apparent effortlessness of gods. Yours are the archaic values of the prep-school playground. You deceive no one but yourselves. I believe in the pursuit of excellence - and I'll carry the future with me.

  • Lord Birkenhead: You Americans have a number of men who are rated as world-beaters; but, this contest is in Europe, not in the rarefied climes of the United States.