Water celery-the relaxation philosophy of the old lady!

Cleve 2021-12-25 08:01:15

Minari, water celery. Many people interpret this symbol as the tenacious spirit of South Korean immigrants, praising them for their tenacious vitality wherever they are. But I think that on the contrary, what water celery wants to express is not tenacity, but relaxation.

Cress came to the United States with her grandmother in the film. It obviously should represent the lying-flat philosophy of this careless old lady-don't be too deliberate, just let the flow go.

This immigrant family came to the United States for a better life, because they "living in Korea is too difficult" and want to "come to the United States together and save each other." But the high probability is that you haven't discussed what you want to "save" before you set off?

As the head of the family, Jacob believes that he is obligated to lead the whole family to a better life, and he is more responsible for becoming a strong and successful father.

Is it really his dream to grow fruits and vegetables and reclaim farms? no. His dream is to make money with his own hands, to make money with his own business, not to live a stumbling life in the chicken farm to help others see the ass. Even if he did a great job in this job, he considered it shameful.

For his identity as the head of his family, he has too serious male chauvinism-he must rely on himself in everything and refuse to interfere with others. Naturally, he does not look down on the Americans looking for water sources; the kind assistance of neighbors is not necessary; pray for the blessings of the gods? That's a joke. He even dismissed the gift of nature—the water celery that can grow by sprinkling some seeds by the creek.

He wants to prove that he can be worthy of the identity of the patriarch. He needs to let the child see that he can do something. What if it fails? Probably the ending of a master in this land has provided him with the answer.

Monica yearns for another form of traditional life, earning payday worth and living in a hospital house. Her entire imagination of life is the same as described in real estate advertisements-stability and harmony, civility and friendliness, all unstable factors are enemies.

So she blamed Jacob for sacrificing family stability for her farm dream, so she never supported Jacob positively, even if secretly she still obeyed Jacob's decision.

Unwilling to live more and more away from the "right track" in her heart, she called her mother to show Jacob what a "normal life" is; so she kept arguing, even if she saw Jacob with her own eyes His business is about to pick up, and he still wants to use his departure to coerce Jacob into "returning to justice."

Often family conflicts are born here, and the clear goals are the same. However, because the two sides chose different paths, they both tried too hard in order to meet the standards and prove themselves.

Grandma's arrival looked a bit like muddy at first glance. It's really not like a grandmother, who doesn't cook, doesn't do housework, doesn't take care of the children according to Monica's ideas, and doesn't educate the children according to Jacob's requirements. It makes people wonder why this old lady went to the United States?

Every day, Monica was worried about David's heart attack. She said don't be too nervous, because the child is not so vulnerable. Jacob taught her children to be rules, and she said that children are naughty and smart, and no one is allowed to beat my good grandson.

After coming to the United States for so long, I knew how to play cards every day, but after a stroke, I became embarrassed and started shaking to do housework. As a result, Jacob’s stubbornness was burned down by a fire and Monica’s was burned. stubborn.

In the end, the whole family did learn the spirit of water celery and gave up some of the beliefs they had adhered to, so they became more relaxed.

Finally, Jacob took his son to the creek and saw the lush and stocked cress, he also learned to admire it-relaxation is so good!

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Minari quotes

  • Jacob: Remember what we said when we got married? That we'd move to America and save each other?

    Monica: I remember.

  • Soonja: You're crying again? Because of anchovies?