The game between creativity and story.

Karl 2022-02-16 08:01:09

I watched two Cats and dogs in one breath. One of the advantages of doing this is that the character plots of the two films can be somewhat cohesive, but if many people watch the first one normally, and then wait for a few years, Looking at the second part, many characters will inevitably fail to connect. Therefore, it is best to shoot the sequel as soon as possible, especially for those who need to rely on the characters in the first part to take their roots.

The first part of the story, characters, and background settings are relatively complete. The idea itself is enough to be a gimmick. In addition to the plot, there are some big conspiracies like 007 that look very mysterious, a wonderful one. The wonderful movie is out. Moreover, the first part does a good job in using cats and dogs to buy cuteness. Whether it is a cat or a dog, it is attractive enough.

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Cats & Dogs quotes

  • Sophie the Maid: [Sophie is washing Mr Tinkles. She finishes and puts him on the bath room flour, then leaves] I forgot your bow! Your pretty bow!

    Mr. Tinkles: [after she has closed the door] When I rule the earth, you will be the first on my list.

    Calico: [Coming from behind the toilet] Hey, you should keep your hair like that. It's very slimming!

    Mr. Tinkles: There's plenty of room on that list for you.

    Calico: [coming out towards Mr Tinkles] No, I mean it.

    Mr. Tinkles: What? We only have a few days to succeed. And although playing pet for that sick old man upstairs is key to my ingenious scheme, I can not take this humiliation any longer. Am I clear?

    Calico: Erm...

    Mr. Tinkles: Never mind. The puppy won't survive the night. Send in the ninjas.

  • Lou: [Lou has been taken outside my Scotty] Okay, here's the plan: Get off this patio. Get back to the barn. Get a better pitchfork. Huh?

    [Lou sees a bone with balloons floating to the ground]

    Lou: Cool...

    [He walks up to the bone once it lands and is about to touch it when he is interrupted by Butch]

    Butch: I wouldn't do that if I were you.

    Lou: Huh? What?

    Butch: I like your spirit kid. But do me a favor and step back.

    Lou: Hey wait, that's my biscuit...

    [Lou steps back and Butch kicks a stick to the bone causing it to explode]

    Lou: ... bone!

    Butch: Now, that would've been the shortest assignment in history.

    [walks off]

    Lou: Whoa... Hey where you're going?

    Butch: I guess HQ don't train you guys like they used to.

    Lou: Training? Hey, hey. Who exactly are you?

    Butch: Name's Butch. What stupid name did the bipeds saddle you with? Spot? Fifi? Rover?

    Lou: Lou.

    Butch: God forbid. Oh, Lou? Sorry.

    Lou: Is that kid always so grumpy? Maybe they should switch his food.


    Butch: Yeah, humans can get a little emotional. You'll get used to it, come on.

    [Lou and Butch walk into a dog house. Butch presses a red button which makes devices come out of the walls]

    Lou: Huh? Where's that coming from? Whoa... cool...

    Butch: What? It's standard equipment. You got your EC-three vid-phone, research archive database, cipher charts, snausages.

    Lou: [Lou sees a big red button] Hey, what's this?

    Butch: Heel! That's the big button. You don't just *press* the big button! Jeez.

    Lou: Sorry.

    Butch: Just try to remember your training

    [Butch sighs]

    Butch: Let's get started. Here's the skinny: Your new master's a scientist. He's been working for a few years now. He's been working on a cure for dog allergies. It's a big deal, because if no one in the world was allergic to dogs, we'd have the advantage. This was your predecessor: Agent: AIKA Buddy. He was catnapped about a mouth ago. Wasn't on top of his game, so he had to retire. He got a nice condo in Boca, huh! Lucky dog. Anyway you're here to replace him, and to keep the cats away from the formula. Can't let them near that... Now come on.