Complaint against Romania in 1987

Carmela 2021-12-25 08:01:13

To talk about the two films "Juno" and "April 3, Week 2" together is not to say that the United States today and Romania in 1987 are the difference between heaven and hell. The bigger reason is that I want to say that these two internationally focused films tell us that in March 2008, whether in a civilized society or a less civilized society, the permanent social problem of unmarried pregnancy has not yet been properly resolved.

Living in the United States is undoubtedly more democratic and free. (in the movie) a 16-year-old female high school student decides on her own, and all the adults around her listen to her. On the other hand (in Romania in 1987), pregnant female college students have no masters. Ask a good friend for help, but it is so exhausting that they will suffer for a lifetime.

Both films are screenwriter-led. The highlight of the script of "Juno" lies in the character of the story characters designed by the screenwriter Diable Cody. The 16-year-old female victim makes the decisions and decides on her own. She solves the problems by herself, while the surrounding adults are not Deprived her of the right to choose. The whole film has no mother-in-law, and the script has won more than 20 awards, which shows that everyone appreciates the author's views. Such a story is more likely to happen in the United States than in other countries. In other words, "Juno" celebrates the civilization of American society.
The author Diablo Cody originally worked in an advertising company, but felt out of place. He resigned on a whim to become a stripper. A year later, he did this full-time. This is really a good story in the screenwriting world. A female screenwriter with such a peculiar experience is naturally different from others when she writes a story about a 16-year-old pregnancy, and the teenage incident she wrote also reveals how the American society handles unmarried pregnant women and how various people treat this The reaction to the incident is not profound, but there is a bit of weight in the laughter.
The overall performance of "Juno" is actually average. In addition to using popular songs to increase the interest of the film, the director is a bit special, but the other performances are just mediocre. Actress Ellen Page is considered competent.

Relatively speaking, "April 3, Week 2", which won the Palme d'Or (Big) Award at the Cannes Film Festival, made a big complaint against Romania in 1987. Undergraduate pregnancy was a serious crime in that society at that time, and it had to be solved secretly, and in the process of resolving it, it would be burdensome to the detriment of good friends and happiness. Reminiscent of Yan Geling's novels and "Heavenly Bath" directed by Chen Chong, female educated youth go to the frontiers in the mountains and the countryside, and they have to pay an irreparable price if they want to go home.
The screenwriter and director of this film, Cristian Mungiu, wants to sue the Romanian government at that time. He made the film into a thrilling film, which is chilling, and more thrilling than the so-called "ghost film." The director often adopts the "one shot (head)" shooting method, trying to gather force as much as possible, and the force is surging in waves, and the sense of oppression is quite strong.
After the heroine assisted her girlfriend to complete the abortion, she rushed to the boyfriend's mother's birthday party and hurried there, but she was anxious to leave and rushed to take care of the girlfriend after the operation. The film has no music, only human voices and object sounds. It has a cold atmosphere, dark and lonely streets. Three or a few shots make up the whole scene, which is full of tension. The actors, directors, and photographers are all excellent, which can be called masterpiece.
Communist countries like Russia, Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic produced many masterpieces of movies in the 1960s and 1970s, but they are rare now. It is said that there are many excellent films in Romania, and there seems to be signs of continuing the tradition of producing excellent films in communist countries. (over)

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