Socialist April 3 weeks and 2 days

Annabelle 2021-12-25 08:01:13

Today, the World Trade Center Sky Terrace movie viewing activities resumed, but due to the Sky Terrace construction, the venue of the event was changed from the open air to the Starbucks room.

The movie shown today is "April Three Weeks and Two Days". Many classmates may have seen this Romanian movie that has won Palme d’Or. The plot, I won’t repeat it. It is about the abortion of a female college student after April 3 weeks and 2 days of pregnancy. Of course, the heroine. It was her roommate, the girl who would rather sacrifice her virginity in order to help her have an abortion. While watching the movie, Lin, who was watching the movie together, kept asking me repeatedly: If you are a woman, would you be willing to have an abortion for your roommate, cut your ribs, and dedicate your virginity? I said I don't know because I am not a female. Lin, how about you? Student Lin said that he would undoubtedly be in that situation. Damn, if I were a woman, in that special situation, I would.

In fact, the whole movie is about how an ordinary abortion under this "special situation" can cause a girl's inner and reality double adventures. What kind of "special situation"? Socialist Romania in 1987. Let me say, except that the abortion itself is not very much like China, the whole movie gives people a very familiar feeling of deja vu. You will not help but admire while watching the movie: this is too fucking China. NS! As expected, they were once gay brotherly socialist countries. Even though they are far in Eastern Europe, the socialist life scenes can be so similar and so homogeneous.

The shabby neighborhood, the highway, the poor service attitude of the yawning waiter in the hotel, the hotel’s terrible accommodation system, the security guard who detains the ID card, and the indifference between people all make you feel familiar and feel Kindness; the warm and boring birthday family banquet, the kind of boring topics about students, employment, graduation assignment, family background, etc. at the family banquet, all make you feel familiar and kind, all of which are too socialist. It's all too Chinese. We seem to be watching a nostalgic movie about the passing happy and false days full of so-and-so superiority.

However, the girl who was abandoned by her boyfriend has been pregnant for four months, three weeks and two days. Her abortion plan is enough to allow the participant to spend the second half of his life in prison. This alone is very non-Chinese. We know that abortion, in China, not only will not go to jail, there will be a period when the state will force you to have an abortion. This is a common occurrence, but it is almost impossible to risk severe punishment for abortion in the movie. But life is still in danger, and it's the same all over the world.

The day of an abortion girl’s roommate, from helping the girl to raise money, going to the hotel to book a room, going to see a doctor, to being coerced by the doctor to dedicate her life, to assisting the doctor to have an abortion for her roommate, to attending a birthday dinner at her boyfriend’s house, to returning to the hotel, will be approached The 5-month-old fetus was packed in a bag, looking for a place to be discarded, all were full of tension and fear. It seemed that if you were not careful, everything would be exposed and irreparable. In the end they sat in the restaurant of the hotel for dinner. Next to it was a wedding banquet, which was also very socialist in China. There were quarrels at the wedding, and the wounded and bleeding people were carried to the lobby of the hotel.

The story ends in the scene of two girls waiting for food. Then you know that this is a movie about socialism. You can understand it as a movie with a distinctive socialist color, or it can be understood as an anti-socialist movie. Of course, you can also understand that this is a movie that has nothing to do with socialism (you can even laugh at the interpretation of movies with ideological bias), yes, this is just a movie about people, yes, survival and life, Morality and humanity. But these people still live in an ideology and political system, don't they?

A perhaps boring question was raised from the very beginning: Is it because the film was able to win the Palme d’Or?

We cannot find evidence to say yes or no. But even without considering this point, we still believe that it is an excellent movie.

And for the time being, we will not do this kind of reflection like Eastern Europeans, and only sober losers will do this work. We are still advancing victoriously.

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Extended Reading

4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days quotes

  • [subtitled version]

    Otilia: Why did you make the reservation by phone?

    Gabriela 'Gabita' Dragut: I thought it'd be like calling from somewhere else.

    Otilia: You "thought".

  • [subtitled version]

    Gabriela 'Gabita' Dragut: I got rid of it. It's in the bathroom.