Gambling books disappeared and the fragrance of tea was poured, which was only normal at the time

Mauricio 2022-03-25 09:01:15

Recently, "Little Wolf Dog" and "Sister and Brother Love" have become popular in China, and this trend is more or less "thankful" to "The Love of the Sages" broadcast in Japan in 2016. The heroine in the play, for some reason, raised her "friend" and "ex" son from an early age, making this son a boy who is different from his parents with graceful manners, personable demeanor, brains and thoughts, and he is still A little man who is obsessed with himself. The little boyfriend is so good, and the condition of the heroine in the play is even more "excellent", with a well-maintained figure and a well-respected and well-paid job.

The important reasons why "sister and brother love" can take shape: women have successful careers and maintain their bodies well (and don't gain weight). From this point of view, the so-called "sister and brother love" that is "promiscuous" and "complimented" by women is nothing more than the traditional standard female companion of "uncle loli", and the economic factors and social status behind it are the key. The only difference may be that, "Uncle Lolita", the money factor is clear at a glance; and "Sister and Brother Love", women will be wishful thinking because it is an emotion without money and material fetters.

After a "sister and brother love" is in love, whether it can last for a long time is often limited by age, work, and childbirth. The heroine in the movie is a 37-year-old working woman who has just ended a nine-year marriage. She has a job that allows her to rent an apartment with access control and guards. She has wealthy friends who care about her life and will Provide room and board for her vacation. Such a woman, facing a 23-year-old man, began an emotional experience unlike any other.

The 23-year-old man is still looking for a career direction because he does not dare to "disobey" his parents and pursue his favorite painting career, and he still lives with his grandparents. Although he is not financially free, his heart is fiery, passionate, and unreserved. He used his young flirting skills to show his sincerity and helplessness, and won the heroine's heart. His vitality and passion made the heroine feel the breath of youth and the joy of sex, so much that she wanted to have sex with Boyfriend has a baby. But he is obsessed with games, doesn't care about work, takes his friends to the heroine's house without the heroine's permission, and has a one-night stand with the heroine's colleague. So sad. Just before the breakup, the heroine also tried her best to recommend her little boyfriend's works to her friends who are engaged in painting agency work. Even if the little boyfriend doesn't care about work, the heroine is still helping him.

Even so, after experiencing the couple's actions such as breaking up, reuniting, and breaking up again, the heroine still declined the childish behavior of her little boyfriend who wanted to have a child with her to express her love for the heroine, and the two broke up sadly.

So a year later, the little boyfriend who had a little improvement in his painting career, because he forgot his hat, met the heroine by chance, across the window, looking at the heroine at the table and looking at the menu, she was still elegant and charming, like an oil painting, The image alone is enough to touch people's hearts; looking at each other and smiling, bit by bit, never forgotten.

Different ages will inevitably affect the attitudes of men and women towards work and life planning (such as children). In a sister-in-law relationship, a woman may go through a thousand sails and want to enter a relatively stable and peaceful stage of life, while a man's life has just begun, and he has not experienced many worldly happiness, how attractive it is to people of this age group. what.

At the end of the article, I have to praise Aunt Mei's acting skills. Aunt Mei is really good at acting. She grasps the roles of mother and psychiatrist very well. The subtle gesture changes before and after show the psychological changes of the characters. Being a psychiatrist is calm, calm, and confident; when she learns that the heroine is in love with her son, as a mother, she disapproves and opposes this relationship, and because of her professionalism, when she cannot speak out, she panics and does not know. What to do, a bit helpless as a mother, self-blame and self-criticism as a doctor. They were all shown vividly by Aunt Mei.

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