I understand her sudden change of mind

Elmer 2022-03-26 09:01:09

Meghan came home a week later, and when she hugged her fiancé, she smiled sincerely, and she was planning to hide it. After listening to my father's confession and my father's efforts to maintain the marriage, I think it makes sense. The selfie at the airport is also really happy. Suddenly, the fiancé wants to post the photo to the group, and the feeling is faintly strong. The request to quit this circle requires her to leave him immediately, which could have been done. What she said about love you is just the state of the two of them together. She is responsible for how much she doesn't dare to evaluate, and there is no true or false. What she doesn't love or love is how she feels at this stage. She is a floating person.

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Laggies quotes

  • Bethany: What does she expect?

    Megan: That you serve some lemonade, and you ask her five to ten questions about her life.

    Bethany: [pause] Treat somebody badly enough you just assume they'll be happy to let you go.

  • Annika: [approaching her in parking lot] You look like you party.

    Megan: I... guess I'm technically coming from one.

    Annika: Cool. So... we can hardly believe this, but we all forgot our IDs. And I mean, normally we would just go buy some beer ourselves. But I guess we look under 21. Which is crazy, right? I know. Um, so, if we gave you some money or something, would you help us straighten this whole problem out and buy us a six-pack or something?

    Megan: Oh, God.

    Annika: Um, you could totally keep the change.

    Megan: [stunned] Okay. Someone did this for me when I was your age, so I'm gonna do it for you. It's like a rite of passage, right?

    Annika: Yeah. Yeah, ya know, I had a good feeling about you.

    Megan: That makes one of us.