[Zhecai Film Review] 4,400 Social Problems Caused by New Humans

Malvina 2022-09-23 22:44:32

This is an American drama from ten years ago.

The picture is old and the plot is cliché.

But in those days, it was possible to achieve the effect of "shock you a little".

In terms of creativity, it is based on the ashes-level longevity drama , and incorporates mysterious elements such as "alien, UFO, super power, third-type contact...".

On the theme, I try to cut in from the perspective of sociology, explore various attitudes of human beings to the unknown possibility, and think about the survival and continuation of civilization.

The plot is straightforward and the goal is clear. In the first episode of the opening, 4,400 human beings who have disappeared in history (to be exact, the missing persons in the United States) will collectively descend on the earth in a mysterious light ball. In terms of rhythm, there is a degree of relaxation. As an agent of the National Land Investigation Bureau, and at the same time as a family member who has encountered 4,400 disappeared relatives, he closely follows the trends of this group of special ethnic groups.

Values ​​are also trying to derive positive concepts such as "acceptance, peace, and non-violence" without rigid reasoning.

In addition, the work also shows the uniqueness of the screenwriter's creation,

The narrative thread of the first season revolves around finding the truth and waking up the agent's son, implying that the ufo is the future of humanity.

In each episode, one of the 4,400 missing persons will be selected to show their survival status after their return.

The audience can fully feel his emotions, real predicaments, and emotional changes from the person's perspective.

There are many faces in the play that you may not know, but feel familiar.

For example, "Peter Coyote," who played the Seattle branch chief of the Bureau of Homeland Investigations in season one, appeared in "E.T." and appeared in many '90s movies.

And "Summer Gera Tess Doerner", who made a cameo appearance as a psychopath, tried his best in the show, and later played the heroine in the "Terminator" episode.

In general, all aspects of the production are well thought out and can be used to pass the time in your spare time.

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The 4400 quotes

  • Shawn Farrell: [to Jordan Collier] That baby really kicked your ass.

  • Diana Skouris: [Marco hands Diana the fake version of Maia's diary of predictions] This is insane. It's also the nicest thing anybody's ever done for me.