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Sonia 2022-03-27 09:01:14

I love this video.

It satisfies my extreme imagination of being thin.

I have seen photos of patients with advanced anorexia before, but the shock is not as real as the real, 360° interpretation of the live people in this film.

More importantly, at the beginning of the film, the black background and white text tell you that the actors in the play have personal experience of anorexia.

The feeling of anorexia, the expressions, the mental activities are shown to you by these people who have really experienced it in hell.

I think I have bulimia, but I haven't seen a doctor and haven't been diagnosed.

But I think I should have.

Sometimes it's hard to eat, but I can't control it, and I have an endless craving for food.

But as a woman, who doesn't want to be graceful and charming?

Every time I take off my clothes and stand in front of the mirror, it is a moment of mental breakdown.

So, I don't look in the mirror for a long time, I just look at my face at most.

I also rarely take pictures, because I feel fat like a pig, ugly, lazy, and have poor self-control.

When I saw the paper people in the film, I was very envious. If the final result was death, I would accept it as being so thin.

However, a movie is a movie, and in real life, I am still a fat man with an endless appetite.

What I appreciate the most is how desperate, broken and hysterical Lily is throughout the movie.

You don't know, it's true, she's endlessly thin, and I'm getting fatter.

I once participated in the paid group of KEEP, and once I was uncomfortable and said in the group after training, I think it is very difficult and very tired.

At that moment, I really wanted to give up, I tried to ask for help to my partner in the group.

As long as I have a caring and warm word, I can grit my teeth and continue to persevere.

No, no one said.

The so-called housekeeper just throws it out coldly: if you want to lose weight, keep going, or keep getting fat.

Yes, all adults are responsible for themselves.

So, I quietly left the group and deleted the butler.

Yes, I can do everything myself, so what do I want you to do?

I can live well, it has nothing to do with you.

Joy is yours, sadness and pain are yours too.

Let me tell you, I'm being hypocritical.

But I'm not a bitch, so goodbye.

In TO BE BONE, ELI has LUKE's care and communication with other friends.

At the last moment, when she fainted, she saw LUKE in her dream again.

I just want to say, when you don't know if the other person is really in pain, please at least be kind, you never know how far she is from the abyss.

Don't be the hand that pushed her to jump.

Of course, I know you don't care, after all, everyone is typing on the Internet, and no one knows whether there is a dog among each other.

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Extended Reading

To the Bone quotes

  • Ellen: Bet you didn't expect this much gynery today.

    Dr. William Beckham: I do think this is a record number of mothers for one patient.

  • Kelly: You really need to get better so you never have to see those people ever again.