A person's fantasy or a group of people's symptoms

Evangeline 2022-03-27 09:01:13

This movie expresses the inner world of a patient with a split personality. If the heroine is the main character, then the others are her sub-characters. There are often scenes in the film that show hallucinations and delusions. For example, the words "Truth or Dare" are engraved on the car, and other people in the scene say they have not seen it; the boy sees such words engraved on his arm. , when others looked at it, he said he didn't see it, and then he said he didn't...

We can see that the heroine (if she is the main character) is a person with a strong sense of morality, which is why I see this character in other film reviews or short reviews. A person who is holding it and has a strong sense of rules will evoke a great sense of pressure and discomfort from the people around or onlookers.

It can be seen that the heroine is a person who tries to suppress her impulses and desires. The long-term repression turns these desires into "truth or dare" and fears to release her long-suppressed desires and impulses. These visions haunt her like ghosts, haunting everyone in the play.

If you can't do things normally, you can do it when you're crazy.

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Extended Reading

Truth or Dare quotes

  • Olivia: [to Lucas] I told Markie I chose dare so you guys wouldn't have to lie, but that's a lie. I chose dare because there's something I can never tell Markie and I'm afraid the game is going to make me do it.

  • Olivia: This game is too smart. We're not playing it, it's playing us.