Everybody gets what they want

Jerry 2022-03-30 09:01:05

"Everyone does what they want, and everyone gets what they want" is a sentence in the classic of Chinese medicine "The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine", and it is also the essence of Taoism. People's physical health comes from inner peace, and everyone is a different individual. Therefore, it is necessary to respect everyone's wishes and let everyone live according to their own wishes. This is an ideal society.

It's so good that the film's two protagonists, the father and the daughter, end up living their lives as they wish.

The noise of industrial civilization, the tiredness of repetitive work, and the hypocrisy of social interaction, these things that cannot survive in a civilized society, make my father feel tired, and he longs to return to the jungle and live a free life in nature. He knows that all the comforts of civilization come at a price, such as the house and its contents, all of which can only be obtained by hard work day after day, and everything has its price.

The daughter who grew up in the jungle is full of curiosity about human society. She enjoys the convenience of a civilized society and likes the abundance of material things. She is willing to cook with a dozen gas, rather than drilling a log to make a fire like her father did; when she left the house provided by the social worker, she was obsessed with the display in the room. She likes to interact with others and is willing to accept the kindness of others.

I think the part of the beehive is the highlight of the movie. First, the old woman tells her daughter that bees will not bite people easily, and they will die when they bite. The second is the following sentence that my daughter said and the act of taking off the protective suit to contact the bees afterwards.

It shows that the daughter trusts the old woman's words and the bees. She is willing to expose herself to face the unknown. Although it may cause harm, she believes that people have the ability to bear harm. As for the father, he may have already suffered too much damage, similar to more than 500 bee stings, he can no longer bear any more, so he has to hide.

I like the green color in the movie the most. It can be seen that the author of the film really likes nature. The branches, leaves, dew, and insects are all so beautiful and desirable. In the city, the tones are mostly gray, which looks depressing and contrasts with the green nature.

City and nature, each has its own advantages. Life in the city is convenient, but you have to endure the boring work and noisy environment; there are beautiful scenery and fresh air in nature, but you have to endure everything yourself and poor food.

I think my daughter's final choice is not bad. Living in an RV camp in the mountains far away from the city, with a good environment and few people, is my ideal place.

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Extended Reading

Leave No Trace quotes

  • Will: I'm so sorry.

    Tom: I know.

  • Tom: What's your favourite color?

    Will: What's *your* favourite color?

    Tom: Yellow.

    [They sit for a moment]

    Tom: What was my mother's favourite color?

    Will: Yellow.

    Tom: Maybe I learnt it from her. I wish I could remember her.

    Will: She'd wish for that, too.