Movie Notes_Leave no trace

Leonel 2022-03-29 09:01:05

The so-called fate is that some people will meet again and again by accident. Last year, I saw his "Going through fire and water". The silhouette of the two brothers playing against the brick red twilight of the west made me unable to let go for a long time. He always comes up with the kind of character who doesn't have much words, but can pluck the strings in your heart. This year, I accidentally saw his Sylveston and left no trace. The characters he plays all have deep love in their hearts, but they don't show much. His deep introvertedness can easily impress me. Without leaving traces, it is a film that is not easy for people to understand. A father and daughter, living in seclusion in the forest, avoiding and rejecting everything in civilized society. They only maintain the simplest way of life: collecting dew with canvas, collecting mushrooms, wild fruits, and making fire with flint... In the verdant green of the forest, it looks a little poetic. They don't speak much to each other, but they cooperate tacitly, and it can be seen that they have enough trust and love for each other, especially their father, who is silent, unsmiling, but gentle. The film does not explain their past. Only a very brief dialogue hinted at the death of the mistress of the family. But why the father and daughter went to seclusion in the forest did not explain how long it lasted. There is no paradise in the civilized world, and American law stipulates that private residence is not allowed on public land. So forestry managers expelled them and sent them back to the civilized world. The 15-year-old girl returned to the civilized world, enjoying the convenience brought by human civilization, and cherishing the communication and warmth of her peers. The world is increasingly attractive to her. But my father's rejection of the civilized world remains as always. They escape again. The girl did not complain, and once again followed her father and fled to the forest elsewhere. Life in the forest is not so easy, and the seclusion has to face all possible misfortunes: food shortages, illness, accidents. When my father was out, an accident happened: he tripped over a tree in the forest, broke his ankle and broke his head, and almost died. So they once again had to turn to the civilized world for support. This time they are not facing isolated bureaucracies, red tape, cold laws. The people who rescued and accommodated them were the people on the edge of the forest who were also trying to break away from civilized society. They were scattered at the foot of the mountain, in RVs. They tried their best to break away from the secular society, but they also tried their best to keep a minimally comfortable life. At the same time, everyone created the warmth between people. This is my favorite part of the whole movie. The sun shines through the tall spruce and falls on the people. They sat together in groups, playing guitar and singing folk songs. Sing together, laugh together. All the world's fame, fortune, and worldly disputes seem to have nothing to do with them. They just need to live a peaceful life that is truly their own, close to the heart. The little girl's view of life has been subtly changed in such an environment. Her whole heart melted in the humming of the bees of the kind old woman, in the running of the big black dog who never left her, and in the friendly smiles of everyone. This section is like the kindness that the director gave to the little girl. A mental buffer is arranged for her between the real world and the reclusive world. Provides a soft step to her budding self. Father recovered, once again tormented by his isolation from the crowd. He packs his bags and prepares for a long journey. The little girl said for the first time, I don't want to leave, I want to live here. Father said, this is not the life we ​​want, is it? This is not the life you want. The little girl finally expressed her heart, she paused, and then said, if you can do it, you will definitely stay with me, right? Father nodded. Once again, she was threatened by love. They packed up and prepared to go deep into the forest. Before entering the forest, the little girl stopped and said, I still decided to stay. Those who are silent, return with tears; those who are warm, give hugs; those who are reluctant, will inevitably say goodbye. In the end, my father disappeared into the depths of the forest alone. The camera is gradually pulled up until he is completely sent to the forest and becomes part of the green forest... This is a story about love and growth, a story about nature. There is no direct criticism of the real industrial society and the material world in the film, nor even a criticism of reality through the mouth of the protagonist. But the director repeatedly gives the pure and vibrant green shots of the forest without hesitation, which has already explained his thinking and attitude towards nature and the way of life that we should have. What do we need? How do we deal with our loved ones? Stuffy, but boringly beautiful. live here. Father said, this is not the life we ​​want, is it? This is not the life you want. The little girl finally expressed her heart, she paused, and then said, if you can do it, you will definitely stay with me, right? Father nodded. Once again, she was threatened by love. They packed up and prepared to go deep into the forest. Before entering the forest, the little girl stopped and said, I still decided to stay. Those who are silent, return with tears; those who are warm, give hugs; those who are reluctant, will inevitably say goodbye. In the end, my father disappeared into the depths of the forest alone. The camera is gradually pulled up until he is completely sent to the forest and becomes part of the green forest... This is a story about love and growth, a story about nature. There is no direct criticism of the real industrial society and the material world in the film, nor even a criticism of reality through the mouth of the protagonist. But the director repeatedly gives the pure and vibrant green shots of the forest without hesitation, which has already explained his thinking and attitude towards nature and the way of life that we should have. What do we need? How do we deal with our loved ones? Stuffy, but boringly beautiful. live here. Father said, this is not the life we ​​want, is it? This is not the life you want. The little girl finally expressed her heart, she paused, and then said, if you can do it, you will definitely stay with me, right? Father nodded. Once again, she was threatened by love. They packed up and prepared to go deep into the forest. Before entering the forest, the little girl stopped and said, I still decided to stay. Those who are silent, return with tears; those who are warm, give hugs; those who are reluctant, will inevitably say goodbye. In the end, my father disappeared into the depths of the forest alone. The camera is gradually pulled up until he is completely sent to the forest and becomes part of the green forest... This is a story about love and growth, a story about nature. There is no direct criticism of the real industrial society and the material world in the film, nor even a criticism of reality through the mouth of the protagonist. But the director repeatedly gives the pure and vibrant green shots of the forest without hesitation, which has already explained his thinking and attitude towards nature and the way of life that we should have. What do we need? How do we deal with our loved ones? Stuffy, but boringly beautiful.

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Extended Reading

Leave No Trace quotes

  • Will: I'm so sorry.

    Tom: I know.

  • Tom: What's your favourite color?

    Will: What's *your* favourite color?

    Tom: Yellow.

    [They sit for a moment]

    Tom: What was my mother's favourite color?

    Will: Yellow.

    Tom: Maybe I learnt it from her. I wish I could remember her.

    Will: She'd wish for that, too.