Life Guide for People with Terrorism

Gilberto 2022-03-29 09:01:05

Watching this is the night when I went home after my kindergarten graduation ceremony. The graduation ceremony was scheduled for a Wednesday night, so that parents who needed to work had the opportunity to attend after get off work. I was very busy with work that day. I stayed for 20 more minutes because I couldn’t balance. I hurried home and ate instant noodles, changed my work clothes, and rushed to the kindergarten. Fortunately, it was not far from home. In the evening of more than 30 degrees, it was raining, humid and hot, sunny and cloudy, a group of parents crowded near the BBQ, and the children were all in the jumping castle. I couldn't open my eyes in the sunlight, and the skin on my forehead was burning. I finally slipped into a shady corner after the greeting, and after talking for a day, I just wanted the whole world to cut off contact with me. I looked at adults and little people in the distance, thinking about a set of rules invented by this society, it really does not make any sense at all. You have a lot of things you have to do in this society, your children have to go to school, parents To go to work, if one link goes wrong, the whole chain collapses. The unnecessary social interactions brought about by work and study outside of daily life can be exhausting physically and mentally, but none of them can be let go. Once you establish a connection with the world, a lot of things cannot escape.

This movie happened by chance this night. Although I didn't find any answer after watching it, I saw the rationality, which is the rationality of this kind of life. Going to work and going to church to enroll children in school will bring more and more links with society, and this set of rules cannot be adapted to everyone. Freedom is written into the foundation of the nation by most countries, and it does not give people the freedom to choose their own way of life.

In the past year, every weekend, I drove my car to a mountain with few people, and imagined that I lived there. On the way back, seeing more and more cars and people, a dream is over.

Sitting in the car all afternoon listening to the sound of cattle and sheep grazing

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Leave No Trace quotes

  • Will: I'm so sorry.

    Tom: I know.

  • Tom: What's your favourite color?

    Will: What's *your* favourite color?

    Tom: Yellow.

    [They sit for a moment]

    Tom: What was my mother's favourite color?

    Will: Yellow.

    Tom: Maybe I learnt it from her. I wish I could remember her.

    Will: She'd wish for that, too.