Mistakenly hits the "view" that responds to the hot topic of sexual assault

Wilfrid 2022-03-28 09:01:07

I don't understand very well. After reading it, the whole person is sullen, because of the female lead's indisputability, the way the male lead handles it, and the calmness of everyone's experience with Laila. It's not that people's mistakes can't be forgiven, it's just that she didn't call the police when there was a sexual assault incident. Laila still chose to forgive, and even felt guilty for causing the old man's heart attack (the ending should be death)... It's so frustrating that I even look forward to the old man's guilt being known to his family. This movie should be a product of that cultural background, where men value their own reputation more than fate, and it's a "ugly thing" that women's chastity is tarnished. The male protagonist chose to cover up the truth, but still gave the old man a fatal blow. That slap broke the dignity of the old man and indirectly led to the death of the old man. The ending points directly to the heart, the numb expressions of the husband and wife, this scar is afraid that it will not heal, after all, it will destroy the two families. Even if the sinner has paid for his life, life is still like a crumpled piece of paper that cannot be healed. I guess the purpose of the film is to encourage women to defend their rights bravely. It is not good to cover the wound with gauze without disinfection, but it will fester. Don't go to the police and bring the bad guys to justice because you are afraid of public opinion. This calls on society to break the distorted values ​​of male superiority, improve the legal system, and give women a truly safe world and equal status.

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The Salesman quotes

  • Naser: Why did your wife open the door?

  • Babak: Degenerate is the one who speaks his mind through swearing.