Good cheese and flour are all there, and the final step of baking the pizza is mushy. . .

Donnell 2022-03-26 09:01:09

The screenwriter is obviously not very good at the construction of life scenes, character building and the logic of character relationships.

Frankly speaking, although the scary plot is old-fashioned, the audience is actually well aware of it. Although they know that the jump scare is about to happen, they will still enjoy the feeling that their heart is half a beat. However, the screenwriter is a little greedy, and wants to show family affection, and wants to insert a light gag, and also wants to show the wonderfulness of the psychic when "solving the case", but in the end, it failed.

The psychic met my younger brother by chance, and was arranged just after recalling my younger brother crying and sending away my elder sister. When I was still moved by the love between the little boy and elder sister, the younger brother who was over sixty years old saw his elder sister, and his sudden anger was inappropriate. Yes, my sister left home at the age of 16, so the two have not seen each other for at least 50 years. It was the first time they met in half a century. The first reaction, if not surprising, was at least surprising. My brother's emotions were too abrupt. , When the audience has not been brought up with grievances, anger and resentment over the departure of their sister, this atmosphere cannot be created.

Mingming was so excited when he saw his younger brother seeing him, and he was obviously very disgusted and refused to communicate. In a blink of an eye, he asked his niece to hand over the photo to her father, which was obviously inhumane. A sensible psychic grandmother is not afraid that her brother who has passed his sixtieth year will be excited again when he sees the photo. Is there something wrong with his body? Even if he is in good health, what if he finds the old house with the photo? And it wasn't that she didn't know it was dangerous there, it was too abrupt. Seriously inconsistent with the character.

The two assistants simply forced humor, and because it was not funny, it made people feel distracted and distracted. Ignoring the interaction with the psychic, the team has a weak sense of tacit understanding and dilutes the theme.

After the "female ghost" (later proved not to be a ghost) spoke, the strange and mysterious mood suddenly disappeared and became dull. The so-called ups and downs of the plot, this "up and down" is not to let the audience relax completely, or even relax to what movie they are watching. In horror movies, they will actually carry you all the time, as if you are going on a roller coaster. It is gentle, but you are still holding the handrail tightly, and your mind is already preparing for the next sprint, because we know in our hearts that we are already in the air, and we can't get down in these 5 minutes. This is the immersive experience that the environment brings us. .

If we were walking down the road in complete relaxation, suddenly someone scare you and ran away. Then you go on relaxing and another person comes out to scare you and runs away, and then we just feel irritable and angry, not scared, because it's confusing and inexplicable.

It's impossible not to compare it with one or two, because since they are related, since it continues to consume these basic characters and plots, then naturally, everyone will expect one to be better than the other, as if someone gave You have a painting, the draft and the line are all completed, and you are asked to color, but you draw a mess, of course, you will be blamed, because there are still many people who come up with blank paper and have to start from the draft.

In fact, the foundation of this movie is very good. Thanks to one or two films, the character of the psychic medium is already very distinct. It can be said that the old grandmother does not need to speak. When she stops there, her whole body is full of drama. The setting of two assistants Also very entertaining. It's as if you're making a pizza and the best ingredients are all there, you just need to adjust the proportions, set the oven temperature and time.

Why do you say that the psychic grandma is full of drama, because the grandma's setting is very awesome, and she has quite a lot of fighting experience. Most of the time, she is extremely calm, so when she shows panic, we will The child is nervous, damn it, something big is going to happen! ! The director must also know that the grandmother is the easiest character to play, so he frantically made the grandma panic and panic again, so it was a bit too much.

The number of times the grandma panics can be compared to the screaming schoolgirls in the Japanese 5-hair horror movie.

Some people will say that it is normal for her to be afraid when she came to her own home where she had a shadow of her childhood. You see, even you know it, how can the audience not know it? Since this fear is normal, then there is no need to spend more time, because, if you don't explain it, everyone knows it, and it's good to kill it with memory or flash. Hold a little, hold a little more, and let go after receiving the ultimate, that fright is definitely twice the result with half the effort.

The movie should have young and beautiful characters to add luster, but it's still the same sentence, I'm not good at describing characters and life scenes, so don't write it.

One of the sisters was killed, unable to struggle and lay on the ground panting. The key monster slowly twisted and crawled out. It was supposed to be a small orgasm, but it was distracted by the violent ups and downs of the chest. . . Really can't help but want to see those big breasts, because they are really big (off topic)

In short, it is a pity that the latent series is a good plot, and the actors are all good actors. Cheese is good cheese, flour is good flour, and in the end when you bake pizza, it burns. . .

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Extended Reading

Insidious: The Last Key quotes

  • Elise Rainier: I'm going to get the attention of all the spirits in this house. I need things that were important to Garza. Specs, go upstairs. There is a bible he held very dear to him. It was a red, King James version; I need you to find it. Take Imogen with you.

    Specs: Okay.

    Elise Rainier: And do not let her out of your sight.

    Specs: I won't.

    [Specs and Imogen head upstairs]

    Elise Rainier: Tucker and I are going down to the fallout shelter.

    Tucker: What- I get the death chamber and he gets bible camp with the most beautiful girl on earth? That's not a democracy.

    Elise Rainier: You're the only one I trust to go down there with me.

    Tucker: [under his breath as he follows Elise] Don't patronize me woman.

  • [first lines]

    Prison Officer: Lights Out!