The film begins from the perspective of Freddie Highmore, creating a special adolescent boy who, under the philosophical concept of life from death, denies all meanings of his current life, the most prominent performance is refusing to complete school The study assignments are not integrated into the overall school environment. According to such a logical development, what we will see in the film is a very violent boy who always does some extreme irregularities. But George, played by Freddie Highmore, firstly expresses his subtle and changeable emotions through graffiti, and secondly, his attitude towards the school's teachers, principals, classmates, mother and stepfather is normal and unabashed. Express the reasons behind your refusal to complete your homework. Therefore, director Gavin Weisen interprets the psychology of a boy who is confused in adolescence from his own perspective. And Freddie Highmore's performance is also very natural and smooth. However, the performance of the film's playwriting, photography, scene scheduling, editing, and sound is very mediocre. For example, when the characters are talking, the back and forth of the same camera makes the picture very dull and boring; the use of music in several paragraphs in the film is very deliberate. Mobilize the audience's emotions and express the characters' emotions; George's rejection of Sally (Emma Roberts) is not good enough.
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