
Avis 2022-03-25 09:01:12

Originally, the male protagonist didn't want to expose the blind uncle's fake supernatural powers, but wanted to constantly verify that the two of them were of the same kind. But it wasn't until the end that he discovered that he was still alone, the only truly psychic person so far. His teacher has always been reluctant to play against the blind uncle. Maybe he wanted to leave a thought for himself and tell himself that there are still people with supernormal abilities in the world. This is also her determination to give up her vegetative son. Live that last little miracle. However, she didn't know that the real person with special abilities was always by her side, but this person refused to admit it or believe in herself, because he was too lonely. Sometimes life is so ironic, things are always so different on the surface and inside

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Red Lights quotes

  • Margaret Matheson: Ever heard of Occam's Razor?

    Policeman: Occam's Razor?

    Margaret Matheson: When I hear the drumming of hooves, I don't think unicorns, I think horses.

  • Tom Buckley: Listen to me. YOU are the only guy separating the world from stupidity at this point in time, okay?