Really good looking

Melody 2022-10-11 01:09:32

Only those who have gambled too much know how well this movie was made. In the movie, the plot of saying ha is like a gamble on my own. People who have lost too much are like this. They want to win the first time they lost come over. People who have never lost badly don't feel it. In the end, the ending of the male protagonist is good, and most people do not have such a big ending. I hope some gamblers will never gamble again after watching this movie. Gambling can make people crazy, it can make people live a life that is not human, it can make people distorted, and it can make people die.

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The Gambler quotes

  • [to his college students]

    Jim Bennett: If you take away nothing else from my class, desiring a thing cannot make you have it.

  • Roberta: What will they do to you if you don't pay?

    Jim Bennett: [nonchalantly] Break every bone in my body.

    [she immediately slaps him in the face]