"I'm consumed by her. It's been months now. I dream about her. I – I, think about her at the office. Oh, Lee. (Sighing) What am I going to do?...I hear myself mooning over you, and it's disgusting. Before, when she...squeezed past me in the doorway, and I smelled that perfume on the back of her neck...Jesus, I, I thought I was gonna swoon!"
Monologe is probably Allen's favorite opening way. In Annie Hall, it's cartoonishly witty but lonely and bitter childhood memories. In Mahattan, it's the male protagonist trying to revise the beginning of a novel and experiencing the subtle emotional changes. This time We went straight into a man's most secret and intense sexual fantasies
In an interview with the New York Times, Allen said: "I've always been deeply involved in films, plays and books that explore the inner world of women, especially those related to intellectual charm. I'm basically not interested in men. Except for myself. This may be related to my family, I'm often the only male member in family reunions, I have a sister, a couple of cousins, plus my mom, and her 7 sisters. I'm always Surrounded by a group of women."
So even though Allen hid himself this time and didn't rush out to tell jokes at the beginning, we actually heard his voice.
What is the abyss?
For Elliot life is like Hamlet's dilemma - To be, or not to be. That is the question.
"I – I can't seem to take action. I'm – I'm like, uh, Hamlet unable to kill his uncle....I want Lee, but I can't harm Hannah. And in no other area am I a procrastinator. For all my education, accomplishments, and so-called wisdom...I can't fathom my own heart."
The abyss is the inner torment that he can't get rid of, the inner world that he can never rely on reason to explain
And what about the abyss for Allen's Mickey?
On the surface, it seems to be a joke played by Death and himself:
The psychological projection caused by the excessive stress made Mickey suspect that he was deaf, although he couldn't tell the difference between his ears and his ears.
After a meticulous scientific examination by the doctor, the results not only surprised him but also disappointed him - suspected brain tumor
The doctor's cold eyes were like a dead fish. The endless in-depth examinations that followed revived Allen's unbearable memories of the last time he was diagnosed with -- "infertility."
"I realize this is a blow. My experience is that many fine marriages become unstable and are destroyed by an inability to deal with this sort of problem."
In the face of Allen, who had just learned that he was infertile, the male doctor not only had no sympathy for his tragic situation, but also did not forget to give the hapless man in front of him another slap in the face, as if he was afraid that the patient would feel that the blow was not enough. then the truth is not so strong
Reaper teased Allen and went home happily with his scythe
Allen recovered from his illness, but his spirit has collapsed. Since then, he has fallen into complete nihilism. Anyone who cares about things and makes up "meanings" that he forcibly forcibly forcibly puts on himself - work, career, philosophy, religion, he can no longer accept "let the TV station Nietzsche and Freud Go to God, I want to find the meaning of my life"
until one day
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