The basics of creation

Jalyn 2022-03-28 09:01:07

The root of creation is that someone has something to say-someone has something urgently needed to express, and it happens that this person is good at writing or singing or shooting or other, so a story or an emotion that some people can empathize with comes naturally. . "Eighth Grade" is such a film that is loyal to the original intention of creation...

"Eighth Grade" beats China's film and television junk manufacturers who are trying to steal money back to the prototype of the three-year-old IQ, no no, it should be the prototype of the coelenterate IQ. These garbage producers have nothing in their hearts, they don't know how to write or shoot, but they are squirming wildly in the Chinese film and television circle...

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Eighth Grade quotes

  • Mr. McDaniel: Congratulations, superlative winners!

    [does a dab]

  • [Kayla puts her sixth grade time capsule on the fire]

    Mark Day: What was in there?

    Kayla: Nothing really. Just, sorta, my hopes and dreams.

    Mark Day: Right... And you're burning them?

    Kayla: Yeah.