Wrapping a Bolshevik who is still in the eyes of the West in an immoral love story

Barton 2022-03-27 09:01:09

After nearly two months of non-stop, I can finally calm down and watch a movie and code words. Many films that have been accumulated for a long time are attracted by the keyword "Bolshevik", 1965, 197 minutes old film. In the United States, which values ​​ideology so much, and the United States during the Cold War, there should be no expectations for it to be nominated for the Best Picture Oscar in 1966. Sure enough, it was still the same as before, blackening to death.

The film can be briefly described as follows: a director from the old capitalist empire that hated the Bolsheviks the most—Britain, and a group of actors from the British Commonwealth and allied countries, in English, tell a story of a period of the former Soviet revolution, an immoral, to be precise A story of an affair with the Soviet Union to describe the country's revolutionary changes.

Last year, the BBC documentary "The Princesses of the Last Tsar", the habitual protagonist brought a sense of immersion, which made many people who did not know much about Russian history feel cheap pity for the Tsar, and then involuntarily abused the Bolsheviks. The documentaries shot by the BBC are so "level". I never use lines or narration to comment on the film, as if I didn't say anything, I just use a subjective perspective and editing to influence you subtly, so that the immature viewers will not understand. Its opposite produces a genuine sense of disgust, which is Gao Hei. Seeing the ignorant self-righteousness in the comments, responding to the doubters, when you do not know what the living conditions of the serfs are, "Bloody Sunday", tens of thousands of civil servants who were assassinated, tens of thousands of revolutionaries who were hanged, refused to communicate with peasant workers If there is any communication and contact, how the royal family and nobles live, how they treat the civilians who are peacefully demonstrating, you naturally cannot understand why they choose to physically destroy at the beginning of the revolution, and the instructions to order the killing are not as widely spread in the Western media. It was the choice of the Russian people at that time to spread the grievances and hatreds that came from the bottom of the society who were enslaved for generations and still bloodily suppressed.

This year, many friends were attracted by "Fall of Giants" Amway. After staying up late for a week, after reading this masterpiece, they are not fascinated by the many tangled or lingering loves in the novel, but the expression behind the novel. Why are the British and even Europeans? Will be so resentful and hostile to the "Bolsheviks".

The rotten aristocratic life and the luxurious material enjoyment are the capital that the existing class can obtain without labor. The heroine and the hero naturally enjoy it. When the original life is overturned, they will be puzzled and disgusted. Two men and women with families, when they get along, finally don't want to take care of their respective partners and fall in love. The wife is pregnant, but she still cares about her lover and her illegitimate child. They are more willing to give their lives for each other, wow, what a touching love story , I want to scold people for immorality, but also use the halo of the protagonist of the movie to whitewash and sing praises, wow, what a powerful personal hedonism. Suppressing individualism with a false critique of individualism is like correcting one wrong action with another, and the starting point is questionable.

That's how they spread their "culture" from film and television, documentaries, novels, and popular culture that you can touch.

It is more valuable to denounce war than to denounce revolution. This is the opposite. What denounced is not war, but revolution.

The director does not understand Russia, does not accept the Bolsheviks, and does not understand what the revolution means to Russia, why the people support it, and why it will win. They can only describe the country from their own prejudice and let the world see it.

Western society has no ideology? Who told you that?

All that aside, the movie itself is a good movie.

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Doctor Zhivago quotes

  • Pasha: I used to admire your poetry.

    Zhivago: Thank you.

    Pasha: I shouldn't admire it now. I should find it absurdly personal. Don't you agree? Feelings, insights, affections... it's suddenly trivial now. You don't agree; you're wrong. The personal life is dead in Russia. History has killed it. I can see why you might hate me.

    Zhivago: I hate everything you say, but not enough to kill you for it.

  • Pasha: The private life is dead - for a man with any manhood.

    Zhivago: I saw some of your 'manhood' on the way at a place called Minsk.

    Pasha: They were selling horses to the Whites.

    Zhivago: It seems you've burnt the wrong village.

    Pasha: They always say that, and what does it matter? A village betrays us, a village is burned. The point's made.

    Zhivago: Your point - their village.