Autism, find love, be kind!

Frieda 2022-12-19 02:40:37

Very good film, because I found my own shadow in it.

One, autism.

When I was an undergraduate, I participated in some public welfare organizations. One of them cooperated with an organization of autistic children. Although I have not seen autistic patients in person, I have watched a lot of introductions and videos about autism. It brought back my old memories. They cannot know the sophistication and laws of the world, but they should not be discriminated against and disrespected. Everyone in this world has their own problems, just the size of the problem. It may be safe to be the majority, but security should not be based on isolating and mocking the minority. When I was in elementary school, there was a classmate who had polio, and his intelligence was not enough, and his legs and feet were inconvenient, but what I saw was that the classmates were all helping him. The deepest memory is helping him copy the code of conduct for elementary school students. In fact, small actions can lead to great goodwill. Buddhists talk about giving Dharma, giving wealth and giving without fear. In fact, smiling is also a kind of giving. Autism needs care and guidance, and I would like to thank the parents, teachers and all those who have contributed to this.

2. Find love

sam doesn't know the rules of society, so he has a book of rules and records every time he knows new rules. The main clue of the show is that the teenage Sam finally knows what love is and what empathy is. In fact, I found myself on the road to find what love is. I found myself as someone who didn't know how to build intimacy. And I am also a very shy person. Ever since I was a child, I didn't like others to know what I liked, and I always felt that what I liked was worthless in the eyes of others. At first it was just a cover up, and then I started to refuse, to refuse to like things. Later, I will meet people who make my heart move, but I will always find shortcomings to prove that she is not the right answer for me, and I do not have the confidence to give her the life she wants. So I've been on my own and never called friends because I was afraid of rejection, I knew I might be worthless to others, and I didn't feel like I was worth anything. I know that I have a big psychological problem, and I found the problem and began to solve it slowly. I hope that one day in the future, I can also tell others without hesitation that I love you and that I love you.

3. be kind

The main line of the show is Sam, but everyone is going through problems in their own lives.

Dad knew about his son and chose to escape at first. After all, he still had some grudges in his heart. After the children grew up, the mother could not find the feeling of being needed and chose to cheat. The younger sister had always been in a secondary position because of the elder brother, and faced the confusion and challenges of love and school. As a psychiatrist, Juliet also had her own feelings. and crisis of life. Everyone is actually experiencing their own life challenges and solving their own life problems. Life is not easy. "Everyone is fighting a hard battle, be kind".

Hope everyone can be treated kindly, come on!

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