Another possibility for the real murderer

Clovis 2022-08-20 01:17:43

Has anyone ever thought that Tom is the real murderer?

(At the beginning of the year, because of the IELTS test, I used the first season of the town’s suspicion, and the second season and the third season were just a few ears to listen to. I am sure that my brain hole is in the eyes of those who have carefully watched the two seasons. It doesn't make sense at all, it's just for fun.)

Many people feel that the first season is a bit forced to end, but it was originally a human nature film with a suspenseful skin (a wax for the newsstand owner), and many doubts were not explained clearly:

Tom immediately deleted his text messages and emails when he learned that Dan was dead. If Dan was angry for not being friends with him, why didn't he delete it then? In addition, do ordinary children hit people hard because their friends don't play with them? And from Dan's point of view, even with Joe as a "new friend", there is no need to break up with Tom, and the friendship is not exclusive, so this actually proves that there is an ambiguous relationship between the two children, at least Tom is bisexual And like Dan, and has always been violent. Tom's tacit glances when he asked Joe how long he was going to be sentenced for murder also said something.

From Joe's point of view, in the end, he turned himself in and claimed that he couldn't find the opportunity to be alone with the male policeman. This was illogical at first. It was not difficult to get his phone address or go to the police station to see him directly; and in the third season, he faced Dan's father. Time is much calmer than the average person who kills and escapes.

The fact of my brain hole is roughly: Tom and Dan are good friends, but Tom gradually developed other feelings for Dan, Dan felt unable to respond to his request, so he made an excuse to break up with Tom, and was beaten once; Joe had to use his phone and money to keep the matter down, lest anyone find out that his son was gay and violent. But Tom continued to pester Dan, and eventually made an appointment at the mountain hut, Dan was strangled after rejecting him for the last time; Joe may have seen Tom go out in the middle of the night and followed, but one step later, just happened to see Dan die, in order to free his son Sin, while the corpse is still cold, print his own big handprint, so that no one will suspect that the murderer is a child. Then he went to dispose of the corpse himself, and it was also for the same reason that the corpse was thrown in a place where it was easy to find. If it was thrown into the sea, Tom, who had had a conflict with Dan, could easily be traced. In the end, Joe gave up his struggle and surrendered after his son was suspected. In the third season, Tom was addicted to porn and forced other boys to watch it with him, which also showed a feeling of struggling between two sexual orientations.

The above is just a personal brain hole. I feel that it is too reluctant to arrange a pedophile in the end. It seems that there is no foreshadowing in the front. Joe has this tendency? But the second season should be able to completely refute my inference, but I am too lazy to watch it again o(╥﹏╥)o...

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  • DS Ellie Miller: You don't eat fish and chips? What kind of Scot are you?

  • DS Ellie Miller: Most people have a moral compass.

    DI Alec Hardy: Compasses break.