Analysis of "Newsroom" S01E07: The Americans who killed bin Laden on the night

Alvena 2022-12-10 15:19:00

"The whole country thinks that bin Laden is still alive, even if I let him die a minute earlier, so many years of journalistic career will not be in vain!" - Mackenzie

Quoting Obama's May 1, 2011 speech on national security: "Good evening. Tonight, I can report to the American people and the world that the United States carried out a military operation that killed the leader of al Qaeda and killed thousands. Osama bin Laden, the terrorist of tens of thousands of innocent men, women and children.

Nearly 10 years ago, a clear September day was darkened by the worst attack on the American people in history. Images of "9.11" are deeply etched into our nation's memory—hijacked planes pierce clear September skies; twin towers collapse; black smoke billows from the Pentagon; Shanksville, Pennsylvania is scattered With the wreckage of Flight 93, heroic citizens averted more heartbreak and destruction by their actions.

However, we know that the most tragic images are not seen by the world. Empty seats at the dinner table. Children who grew up deprived of their mother or father. Parents who can never experience the feeling of being hugged by their children again. Nearly 3,000 citizens were taken from us, leaving a huge void in our hearts. "

The pain of 9/11 is etched into the memory of the American children. The tragedy that happened that morning took the lives of countless Americans, changed the entire country, deepened the fear and hostility in their hearts, and killed them. The significance of bin Laden to the American people is beyond the reach of other countries. In fact, in the past ten years, there have been continuous film and television works to analyze the 9/11 incident and the killing of bin Laden from different angles.

For example, "Fahrenheit 911", which analyzes the reasons for the 911 incident from a political point of view,

There is also the "World Trade Center" who went to the disaster scene from the perspective of rescuers.

Or the "911 Incident Book", which uses people from all walks of life to treat the 911 incident.

There is also a news movie "Hunting Bin Laden" that describes the anti-terrorist action from a calm and objective perspective...

And what I am talking about this time is the seventh episode of the first season of the American TV series "The Newsroom". Starting from this group of idealistic journalists, I will see the far-reaching significance of the killing of bin Laden to the American people.

On the evening of May 1, 2011, the newsroom staff was holding a party at the home of the gold anchor Will, to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the founding of Evening News 2.0, but ACN News Director Charlie received a message that the president will be eastern time that night. At 10 o'clock, he delivered a speech on national security issues, which caused a sensation. Old Charlie guessed that bin Laden was killed, so the news team immediately ended the celebration and rushed to the studio to prepare for the live news.

The main line of this episode, from the beginning of receiving the message from the White House, to confirming the content of the President's speech, to the live news. During this whole process, we have seen the reactions of the American people of different identities to the news of the killing of bin Laden, and deeply felt the joy of the Americans for this long-awaited victory.

McKenzie, the gold-medal producer of ACN's Evening News, knew that the president was about to make a speech on security issues, and she needed to confirm the veracity of the news. So throughout the film, we see the team she leads, constantly following up on the progress of the news.

Old Charlie was Mackenzie's boss, and when Mackenzie got several confirmations, he still refused to let her go and let her broadcast the news. For him, it would be irresponsible to broadcast the news that bin Laden was dead until the exact news was released. "Whatever happens tonight, I assure you, it involves so many lives and the presidency that we must report correctly."

Under Charlie's orders, Mackenzie guarded the broadcast gate, forbidding the announcer to leak any information.

When the anchor Jane was no longer willing to whet the audience's appetite and wanted to report the news, she ordered the signal from Washington to be cut off, causing the live broadcast to go black for dozens of seconds.

This is her responsibility as an ACN producer, and she must strictly control the authenticity of the news, even if she knows that bin Laden is indeed dead. When Old Charlie asked her what it meant to broadcast live 5 minutes before the president's speech, she said, "The whole country thinks bin Laden is still alive. Even if I let him die a minute earlier, so many years of journalistic career will not be in vain!"

In this episode, the hero, Will, was ill and took two marijuana pills and was high enough to spend the whole episode in a slight insanity, but even so, he said to Mackenzie: "I absolutely can't Don't report the news, you understand?"

It can be seen that in the press, it is a supreme honor to be able to broadcast the news that bin Laden was killed. This is not only an important part of their entire career, but also a responsible attitude to the American people.

The Indian guy's girlfriend, Kelly, is an ordinary American whose father is a partner of a company in the Twin Towers. She represents the American people who lost their loved ones in the 9/11 incident. While most of the people in the editing room were celebrating bin Laden's death, she was crying silently on the rooftop.

For her, bin Laden had a bloody feud with her, or with the families of the 9/11 victims. She thought the news would act like a switch and make her feel better. But when the news was true, she did not feel the joy of victory, but remembered her relatives again and shed tears silently. The deceased has passed away, and they can only live bravely in the world, which is the best explanation for those deceased relatives.

On the other hand, for various reasons, the three staff members of the editing room were stranded on a plane that had landed. The restless Tang, unable to participate in the live broadcast, tried his best to get off the plane.

His partner, Elliott, is very open, because they have actually participated in the work in the process of gathering information. He just regretted that he could not take his wife and children to the studio to watch the live broadcast together.

Passengers on the plane received the news that the president was going to give a speech on security, and some thought there was a terrorist attack (in response to 911), causing panic.

Tang, who knew the truth, stood up to appease the passengers, but was strongly stopped by the flight attendant: "I don't care, you can't control the passengers on the plane.". When the captain came to the cabin to resolve the dispute, Tang, who was excited for a while, saw the uniform of United Airlines, but he calmed down instantly, and then seriously conveyed the news to the crew: Bin Laden was killed.

I personally think that this part of the plot is more attentive in the whole play, because the plane in the film is from United Airlines, which happens to be the direct subsidiary of the plane that was killed in the 911 incident. In a sense, the crew is also in the 911 incident. the parties.

Also involved are the New York Police and the New York Fire Department. When the bodyguard Lonnie knew about the news that was about to be broadcast, he immediately thought of telling the accompanying police;

When the live broadcast began, a journalist was stationed wearing a New York Fire Department hat.

On 9/11, the passengers and crew of Flight 93 fought valiantly against terrorists that eventually crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, making it a heroic event when people talk about 9/11.

In the scene of the 9/11 accident more than 10 years ago, New York firefighters and police officers continued to emerge. These characters are all symbols of heroes in the 9/11 incident. Ordinary people are still excited about bin Laden's death, let alone these parties involved?

ACN finally confirmed the authenticity of the news. When Will started the live broadcast, all the staff in the studio stood up and listened to the news from ACN's work site report to the screens of every household. At that moment, it was sacred, and a spirit connected and united the American people.

The report is not as exciting as the Super Bowl. From Will's language, I deeply feel that in the past ten years, the 9/11 incident has been an indelible memory for the United States. Yes, and also the darkest nightmare. Fortunately, the culprit of the nightmare has been brought to justice, and they will usher in the brightest future that night, after that welcome reminder of that long-awaited victory.

Before and after the news of this victory was broadcast, "Newsroom" gave a good representation of all beings in the United States. I don't advocate the values ​​of American imperialism, and I can't appreciate the pain caused by the 9/11 incident in the Americans, but I still feel the shocking power and the killing under their main theme dramas. Bin Laden is a great victory for the American people, and the profound meaning behind this victory. After killing Osama bin Laden, what they need is no longer hatred, but a collective memory of attention and ceremony.

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