Everyone has become a better self in the face of the ups and downs brought by fate. ROMA The ten scenes that moved me the most

Federico 2022-03-29 09:01:02

After brushing Rome for the second time, I summed up the ten scenes that moved me the most.

10 The hug

Father carrying suitcases ready to drive, mother walked to his side helplessly and gave him a long hug from behind, he was impatient and wanted to get away, but mother started to kiss him desperately, as if everything could come back to life In the end, it was all in vain. He walked away without looking back, leaving her crying without tears, echoing in the air with the sound of the surrounding wind instruments.

9 I am pregnant

Cleo didn't have the courage to tell the hostess the fact that she was pregnant. She leaned against the hostess's arms aggrievedly, as if she was looking for the warmth of her family. At this time, she regarded her as her own body. They were all women. They were all facing the harm that selfish men brought to her. She told Cleo not to worry about not firing you. In fact, we have to go to the hospital for a checkup.

8 I didn't want her to be born

Cleo went ashore with her two children, they were choking on the water as they walked, and they couldn't recover from the calmness. The hostess and the rest of the children came running over, everyone hugged. I didn't want to give birth to her. Cleo started to stop. Hold her tears She finally cried out her troubles This thought she had suppressed for nearly a whole year And the act of saving her life just now completed her own inner redemption We will love you very, very much Mistress I can't hold myself back gratitude

7 Women are always by themselves

The hostess drove home drunk in a car full of holes She looked at Cleo and looked at her so different and yet so similar and couldn't help throwing sympathetic mockery at her Women are forever lonely You know what You 'd better known this by heart

6 New Year's toast

Pediatra takes Cleo to an intimate gathering of servants in a city that has made you distrustful of others, she complains weakly, that she has repeatedly invited Cleo to drink the wine she has prepared You are carrying your life, isn't that something to celebrate? Cleo finally raised his glass, but at the moment when he was about to drink, the people dancing around suddenly knocked over the glass in Cleo's hand and smashed the wine and spilled it. With this ominous dark omen, the New Year is here.

5 Fermin was pointing the gun at her

The student movement outside the window was cracked down. Someone fled into the mall, but others chased in with guns. A student was shot. The two of them were approved, but things could have gotten worse. This man is the heartbreaker. Destiny always likes to make such violent jokes. The heartbreaker is also shocked. The woman he abandoned is waiting for his verdict. He put the gun down and fled and Cleo couldn't take it anymore. Such a crushing scene. At the juncture of life and death, she found her amniotic fluid was broken.

4 Family conversation and the ice-creams

Your dad will never come back, mom finally made up your mind to tell the kids some kids cry so much and some kids just feel sad and the image of a stalwart father is collapsing one by one in their hearts Who's going to fill the void? Nobody but yourself Gradually they realized the fact that mother bought everyone ice cream and everyone used sweetness to cover up the trauma

3 Inside the car

In the car, everyone was thoughtful. Big brother looked out the window sadly, and the fact that his father would never come back to see them was still in his mind. Little brother was trying to make himself accept the reality. At this moment, the child once again used love to defuse the hurt that fate has done to herself. She looked firmly at the scenery outside the window and quietly told herself to continue to be strong. There was no sound in the car, but everyone was quietly transforming.

2 Farewell to the new born

Cleo lay in pain on the operating table. More suffocating than the physical pain was the bad news she just heard. I'm sorry she's out of heartbeat. Do you want to say goodbye to her? She couldn't resist tears streaming down her cheeks without end, trembling hugging her dead daughter The poor little life left before she could experience any good in life The doctor was about to take the little girl but Cleo never let go The fact that they are together cannot change the eternal bond between the two

1 Everything will be alright

Cleo, I want a glass of juice, Cleo, I want a piece of pie She is surrounded by the love of the children and the masters Adela I have so much to tell you she is excited to tell her that the warm kind life loving Cleo is back and not only that but she seems to be getting stronger and she is on The rooftop starts to do laundry again as before, the plane in the sky slides slowly day after day, year after year, but everyone has become a better version of themselves in the face of the ups and downs brought by fate

Everyone has become a better self in the face of the ups and downs brought by fate

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Roma quotes

  • Cleo: I didn't want her.

    Sra. Sofía: What?

    Cleo: I didn't want her.

    Sra. Sofía: They're ok.

    Cleo: I didn't want her to be born.

    Sra. Sofía: We love you so much, Cleo. Right?

    Cleo: Poor little thing.

  • Paco: So that kid was throwing water balloons at cars that were driving by. Then an army jeep drove by, the kid throws a balloon at it, the soldier gets mad, he gets out and shoots him.

    Cleo: Oh God! Is he OK?

    Paco: He shot him in the head. He's dead.

    Cleo: How awful!