Excerpts from long lines of an old woman

Evangeline 2022-03-28 09:01:02

When I think of my husband, I miss him so much, the feeling of him lying next to me at night.
Sometimes he would put his arm across my chest and I would not be able to move, even holding my breath.
But I feel at ease, complete.
I also miss him whistling down the street.
Every time I do something I think about how he does it.
It's getting cold, so put on a scarf.
But after that, I gradually forgot the details.
The memory kept fading and I started to forget him.
It's like, I lost him again.
So sometimes, I try to recall every part of his face, the color of his eyes, the look of his lips and teeth, the touch of his skin and hair.
All these memories slipped away with time.
But sometimes, occasionally, just occasionally, I could see him very clearly.
It was like pushing the clouds away and he was there, and I could almost touch him.
But suddenly, reality returned, and he disappeared again.
Once upon a time, every morning, at dawn, I would see him.
But for some reason, he would disappear into the sun again.
He appears and disappears, like sunrise and sunset, everything is so fleeting.
As we live, we appear and disappear.
We are important to some people, but we just pass by.
Respect for "passing by".

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Extended Reading

Before Midnight quotes

  • Jesse: I love the way you sing. I fucked up my whole life because of the way you sing. Alright? And if you put one-eighth of the amount of time that you put into bitching into playing scales, you'd be like Django Reinhardt.

  • Celine: Still there. Still there. Still there. Gone.