A resplendent feast

Derrick 2022-03-28 09:01:02

At first I was attracted by this film because I heard that it was about "Asians living their lives without martial arts or the stereotypical nerds." Netizens said that the box office of this film is closely related to the influence of Chinese in Hollywood in the next few years. It was said to be hilarious, so I decided to check it out.

It started in London in 1995. Michelle Yeoh's family planned to stay in a high-end hotel on a stormy night, but the little Nike left a circle of footprints on the lobby floor, causing the manager to be unhappy. . Michelle Yeoh's auntie domineeringly made a phone call and bought the hotel. This part is still not easy for her, holding back her disappointment and pretending to be strong, how can she prove her eldest sister's status in the arena? Do you look down on people if you don't take money to stun you?

In a blink of an eye, New York in 2018. Little Nick has grown into a tall and strong sportsman. It is said that the male protagonist is of mixed Chinese and Western blood, but he looks like he is from the urban-rural area of ​​Southeast Asia. He happily feasted on his girlfriend's dessert in the restaurant. I usually use my girlfriend's Netflix account to play basketball at the weird YMCA. Although it's not a loser, the heroine is definitely worthy of him, at least in New York. The heroine Rachel is the youngest professor of economics at NYU, with a sweet and contagious smile, reminiscent of the American sweetheart and silly sister Meg Ryan. Nick planned to take his girlfriend back to Po to attend the wedding of his good friend, and by the way, he walked in front of the parents, and the hostess happily agreed.

When Rachel was sitting in the first class cabin, she finally realized that Nick's family in front of him was quite rich. Nick said that he was not rich, he could only say "comfortable". After arriving in the country, Nick's friends warmly received them and took them to eat street food. All kinds of skewers and seafood are very down-to-earth. When Rachel went to the home of a local university classmate in Singapore, she learned from the side that Nick Young turned out to be the world-famous diamond king fifth from a prominent old money family, and many industries in Asia belong to his home. Rachel's friends dressed her up carefully, and the two went to Nick's grandma and the mansion for a banquet. The banquet of super rich people, each of which was a Hongmen banquet. Rachel felt murderous, but she still bravely reported her family, saying that her father was gone a long time ago, and his mother never went to college, but she was self-improving, and now she is a well-known real estate agent in Flushing. Such a background obviously cannot pass the filter of Nick's mother, Michelle Yeoh.

Then Nick Rachel went to the bride and groom's bachelor party respectively. We really don't understand the rich world. The man was arranged to go to a luxury cruise ship on the high seas. The champagne beauties were so extravagant that even Nick Young couldn't bear it and ran away halfway. Jimmy Ouyang also appeared and played a playboy. The woman went to the island to buy, buy, do SPA, and was embarrassed by Nick's ex-girlfriends and sisters. Fortunately, Nick's cousin helped. This cousin is also low-key and beautiful. In order to take care of the feelings of her ordinary husband, she bought luxury shoes, and 1.2M jewelry earrings can only be hidden. After the husband cheated, he said, "It's not because your family is too rich, I'm too stressed", very similar to a Samsung son-in-law, right? The husband also played the good guy Ka Nan in "Little Nyonya".

Nick and his girlfriend went to learn how to make dumplings from his mother, from kneading the noodles, rolling out the dumpling skins, preparing the dumpling fillings, and making dumplings. Every step was given a close-up. There are many clips introducing traditional Chinese culture in the film, which are particularly worthy of praise for their contributions to the promotion and dissemination of culture. I won't say much, otherwise, I will be criticized by NYT for exporting values. In order to get close to Nick's mother, Rachel praised her for her beautiful ring. As a result, Nick's mother felt very uncomfortable. In order to prevent Rachel from coveting Nick's family business, she told her "You will never be enough". A confident and beautiful heroine will not be defeated by the difficulties in front of her. The heroine's affectionate college roommate and Nick's gay relatives also come to the rescue, dressing her up for the rich man's wedding of the century.

This wedding really exhausted the American imagination of the super rich Asians. The festivals are staggered, the birds sing and dance, and the lights are bright to light up the night in Singapore. Nick's always kind and approachable grandmother suddenly called Nick and Rachel, and then quickly turned black. A few hundred words were omitted here, and the foreigners in the movie theater felt sorry for Rachel. Nick still proposed to Rachel, showing that despite worldly prejudice, my love for you will never change. Of course, everyone is happy with the ending. Different people have different understandings of Rachel and Nick's mother mahjong game. I think Rachel took the step back and put the game theory into practice. In the end, Nick's mother finally let go, and the lover finally got married.

There are a lot of magnificent modern buildings in Singapore in the movie, plus the lighting projection, dazzling foreigners. The film also added a lot of classic old songs, creating a scene of prosperity and prosperity. In this way, Asians are too rich, and Americans and Europeans are compared dimly. Art comes from life, so it is said that such rich people really exist in life. After watching the movie, I fell into the thinking of how to make more money.

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Extended Reading

Crazy Rich Asians quotes

  • Eleanor Young: Is this a church? Or a paddy field?

  • Eleanor Young: I think we should return to the word of God.