"Blue Umbrella Love" is a short film produced by Disney. An anthropomorphic approach is used to depict a beautiful love story in which a blue umbrella and a red umbrella meet, with the help of friends such as roadblocks, manhole covers, and traffic lights. Disney's usual cute fairy tale style is vividly reflected in this film. Gives all the objects that appear the character and character of the person. The multiple changes of music and the multiple appearances of characters in the film promote the storyline, and the use of colors is even more unique.
Shift in music drives storyline
Character dialogue, narration, etc. are not used in the film. But the background music runs through the whole film, and the transition of music when the sound and picture are synchronized promotes the development of the plot. The film starts with only the sound of raindrops, when the music becomes lighthearted, a bright blue umbrella appears in the umbrella, and the lighthearted tone tells the audience that the protagonist of the film has appeared. When the red umbrella and the blue umbrella meet, it is also a beautiful and warm music. When the red and green umbrellas are separated, the music changes, becoming heavy and gloomy, and the picture changes immediately, the rain is heavier, and the wind is blowing harder. When we meet again, the music becomes lighthearted; when we separate, the music becomes tense and heavy. Although there are only two kinds of music in the repetition, the light tone and the heavy tone give the audience two atmospheres. Whenever the music is cheerful, they can always breathe a sigh of relief, and when the music becomes heavy, they become nervous again. Every change of music promotes the plot, making the red and blue umbrellas meet, get separated, meet, separate again, and finally come together. The transformation of the music makes the plot of the story more compact, and each transformation will make the story have a new development, and the music in the film can better bring the audience into the atmosphere of the film.
Use of color to highlight character settings
The whole film takes place in a heavy rain, against the backdrop of the black sky, making the main tone of the film dark. The supporting characters in the film are colored yellow, silver, etc., suggesting that they will help the Umbrellas in the film. The most beautiful place in the film is two umbrellas, usually blue and one red. To put two ordinary red and blue umbrellas in ordinary times will not attract people's attention. But the red and blue umbrellas appear in a dull tone. The bright colors will immediately attract attention, and immediately the audience will understand that the protagonists are waiting to appear. At the same time, the blue color chosen represents romance. The scene where the blue umbrella looks for the red umbrella in the film can be called romance, and the reflection of the red umbrella's shadow on the blue umbrella is also romantic. The heroine in the film is red, and red represents love. The male protagonist found the red umbrella at the traffic light and fell in love with the red umbrella at a glance. Isn't this love? The choice of two colors, red and blue, hints to the audience that this will be a good story with a happy ending. The roadblocks that appear many times in the film are yellow, and the roadblocks are like the most representative of many supporting characters, because they are given yellow, yellow represents enthusiasm and sunshine, which also implies that the manhole cover and sewer pipes recorded in the film go back to help Blue. Umbrellas. No product has a color that hints at their personality and future, what will happen, and characterizes the characters in the film.
Repetitive montages reveal the meaning of the story
The characters of manhole covers, sewer pipes, and roadblocks in the film appeared repeatedly. After the rain at the beginning, the blue umbrella appeared. He greeted these friends happily and interacted with the canopy happily. Help paved the way for him. After seeing the blue umbrella and the red umbrella, the traffic light changes from green to red to let them meet. After the red and blue umbrellas were separated, the blue umbrella was swept into the middle of the road by the car, the sewer pipe was flushed away with water, the manhole cover was opened and the cover was swept away by the wind, and the roadblock rushed to the middle of the road to stop the car, and the road signs on the road also Pull into the flashing lights to alert passing cars to change lanes. And finally, when Red Umbrella and Blue Umbrella went on a date, these supporting roles showed lovely smiling faces, happy for their friend Blue Umbrella. It used the expression technique of repeated montage to show the beautiful friendship between friends. The scene that recurs many times is that the film is more vivid and the story is fuller. Not only promotes the plot of the story, but also shows the power of friendship. When Blue Umbrella pursues love, these vivid characters help Blue Umbrella with their own power.
"Love of the Blue Umbrella" presents a story of love and friendship in a fairy tale way. The main line is the beautiful love story of red and blue umbrellas, and the sub-line is the selfless help between friends. In just a few minutes, the film uses music, colors, and characters to make the whole story very full, and each plot is set reasonably, which not only shows the beauty of love, but also highlights the greatness of friendship. In some cold rainy days, showing the warmth of friendship and love.
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