99% of people quit sugar after watching it

Stacy 2022-09-11 08:23:08

This movie corrects my misunderstanding of sugar like a word to wake up a dreamer, and also wakes up my concept of sugar. In the movie, through 60 days of personal experiments on people eating sugar, it reflects a series of changes that sugar can cause to people in a period of time. I can't help but sigh.

Sugar is very popular in today's society. Our lives are almost inseparable from it, but we don't know how harmful it is to us. The film tells the history of sugar and what it can do to us.

The earliest records of sugar come from New Guinea in 8000 BC and later to India. In the 12th century, sugar was migrated to Europe by merchants. At that time, sugar was a very rare item and only the royal family could enjoy it. At that time, Elizabeth was especially fond of sugar, and as a result, her teeth rotted and turned black due to eating too much. It can be seen that eating too much sugar is harmful to teeth. Coincidentally, in the middle of the film, there is a scene that is very shocking. That is a 17-year-old boy named Larry Harmony. He likes to drink soda drinks, usually 7-8 bottles in the morning. Mountain Dew Soda looks no different from an ordinary teenager, but his mouth, full of rotten and blackened teeth, is more exaggerated than an old man in his 60s, shocking everyone, it should not be The teeth that a boy his age should have.

I have written the details into the public account with pictures and texts~

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