
Eino 2022-03-25 09:01:19

Grey Pupu's shot starts by the sea.

MONA started wandering with a tent on his back.

In the cold winter water, she jumped into it naked. Two men on motorcycles passed by.

It is cleansing and baptism. It is the last ritual of fighting against freedom before moths fly to the flames to pursue "freedom".

The story takes place throughout the winter.

Withered trees, panicky weather. Groups of strange people who have no impression of her.

MONA strode from village to village.

The shepherd asked her: Are you really willing to give up everything? When I repeated this in the dark, she replied: For the bread and the way.

When I saw this, I couldn't agree that she was sober, along with her scruffy appearance. Even if she has really innocent eyes and a smile, yes, she says because "I look good when I smile."

She is happy to meet anyone.

That kind of "joy" is only for the bread in the mouth and the currency to continue walking on the road. To this end, she intermittently abandoned herself, along with her body.

Some people briefly envied her "free" gaze - but this was not a gain or gain.

MONA lives temporarily in an empty castle.

Under the background of life that they don't know each other, the maid serving the elderly grandma's eyes is sloppy, and she said angrily: I am so envious of MONA and her boyfriend's hug.

And in MONA's opinion, that's not a boyfriend at all, he's just a little bit of temperature she got before going through this winter-yes, she has been wandering for so long, and she has no clothes to keep warm except for the smelly body odor.

On the way, all the "people" she met were warm.

The young man who gave her marijuana, the middle-aged man who trimmed the cotton, the shepherd who saw through life, the female professor who drove her to eat delicious food... Some let her live below zero, some let her like the sky.

If "not free" is regarded as normal body temperature.

The temperature she really wanted was outside the normal body temperature.

The so-called unfreedom that she hates-those who roam within the rules, the lawless, the deviant, and the moral integrity are all obstacles that prevent her from becoming her only rule.

She kept her hair loose, and when the wind was blowing, she couldn't see her face clearly. Contrary to the meticulous hairstyles and delicate clothing of everyone else in the movie.

She loves music, loud and rhythmic in the car.

I remember she got out of the car and asked the female professor's student to borrow fire, and asked him with a smile: Are you afraid of me? The student later met her who was insane after smoking marijuana, and then fiercely called her a lunatic while calling his wife in the phone booth.

The fire burned her tent, and the zipper of her boots broke down to her ankles.

The sick MONA stumbled around the village and finally fell on the ridge.

She is at odds with the world.

Live by the rules.

To be free, to abandon the rules.

And does MONA have rules?

No one can really abandon, you live in this infinite world, and every kind of butterfly you touch may fly to the flames.

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Vagabond quotes

  • la platonologne Mme Landier: Why did you drop out?

    Mona Bergeron, sans toit ni loi: Champagne on the road's better!

  • les Bergers: She blew in like the wind. No plans, no goals... No wishes, no wants... We suggested things to her. She didn't want to do a thing. Wandering? That's withering. By proving she's useless, she helps a system she rejects. It's not wandering, it's withering.