Death dont be proud

Frank 2022-03-25 09:01:19

What the film describes in detail may not be clear from the name, because the word wit may only be understood after watching the film and looking back at the topic. It is probably a woman's anti-cancer history, but many of the details are intriguing. The first detail is the name of the protagonist, Miss Bailey, bearing. I don’t know if this name is very common in English, but the double meaning of bear, give birth to and endure, makes people feel that the protagonist is facing cancer and facing cancer. Thinking about death, from having confidence to enduring the torture of treatment, from excruciating pain to giving up treatment, he kept recalling hope, from today's story, back to yesterday's memory, and retracing the bits and pieces of life, and finally found that the pain is just a boring thing that finally makes you sleepy, he chose to die calmly, no one sees her as a person except Susie, almost every doctor only sees her as a part of their work, a sample of research, she ended herself like this s life. Another detail is that Jason is a young doctor full of vigor. When he talked to his former teacher about his passion for oncology, the joy was in stark contrast to the indifference during the previous examination. He jokingly called tumor Cells are immortal in culture, but the fact is, the patient you are facing is death in reality. When he walked out of the ward, he took out the comb in his coat pocket, combed his handsome hairstyle, and looked complacent. , what about Vivian. The third detail, I saw the head nurse Susie giving the seriously ill Vivian a popsicle. The way they eat the popsicle is different. Vivian bites it down one bite at a time. Bite off, also Susie gave Vivian two choices in the face of death, rescue or not rescue, the final choice is not to rescue, we have different ways to choose anything, there is always one that belongs to us, Be true to our own heart, use your own words.

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Wit quotes

  • Vivian Bearing: After all, brevity is the soul of wit.

  • Vivian Bearing: I trust this will have a soporific effect.

    Susie Monahan: I don't know about that, but it sure does make you sleepy.

    Vivian Bearing: [laughing]

    Susie Monahan: What's so funny? What? What?

    Vivian Bearing: [laughing] Soporific means "makes you sleepy".