a beam of sunshine

Uriel 2022-03-27 09:01:20

I have always been in a state of not understanding Japanese movies. I watched this taste of clear sand on the strong recommendation of my husband. Although the picture is still not my favorite style, the story itself really touches the depths of the soul. After watching it, I clicked on the IMDB of the tree Xilin who played Grandma Dejiang, but found that the old man passed away in September 2018. Corresponding to the death of Grandma Dejiang in the movie, I felt very sad.

I was fortunate enough to attend the director's masterclass in Hollywood before watching the movie. Without knowing the director, I watched the short films made by the two directors and felt that she was a very Japanese female director. Wearing a white coat, she was very gentle when she spoke, just like her movies. It feels clean, beautiful, and dreamy. She said that her films incorporate a lot of her own shadow, and a lot of inspiration comes from her own life. She is not a person with ups and downs, she has been in the industry since she was 19 years old. It's just the little things in life, bit by bit, plus the understanding of life, giving some inspiration, and then there is a series of works. I think such a director is very powerful, able to capture the delicateness of life and bring it into full play. However, compared to the taste of sand, although the director's two short films have maintained a certain level of picture style, there are still some disappointments due to the limitations of length and content.

Looking back and talking about the taste of sand, I really want to write down a lot of things in a small notebook. When I see a lot of words, I think grandma, why didn't you tell me earlier. The biggest feeling to me is that I want to be a warm person like Grandma Dejiang. A person who deeply loves life, looks at the world positively, and can still live as a ray of sunshine under difficult social pressure.

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Sweet Bean quotes

  • Tokue: An is the soul of the doriyaki.

  • Tokue: We all have our stories.