She loves her, but she loves God

Fern 2022-03-27 09:01:20

People inside the mountain believe in God and believe that they can get the protection of the soul in the monastery; people outside the mountain have free thinking, have their own judgments on everything, and even recognize science.

So, people from outside the mountain came to the mountain. She didn't believe in God, her soul was ugly, and everyone tried to change her, thinking she was an alien.

There is a God who lives in my heart, and when I encounter anything, there will be no waves in my heart.

In the film, a large number of long shots are used, the tones of gray, black, blue and white, the shooting techniques of documentaries, and a higher degree of restoration.

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Extended Reading

Beyond the Hills quotes

  • Priest: The man who leaves and the man who comes back are not the same.