White lie

Xzavier 2022-10-10 09:46:52


There are many hidden secrets in the adult world. Maybe not only adults, but also a three-year-old child may tell a harmless lie in order to eat a few more candies. In fact, I think those in the film are all white lies. Why do they hide the fact that they have cheated or are gay? It is to protect their family and the people they love. They know what is important, so they choose to use lies to protect everything. Not necessarily a bad thing...

At the beginning of the film, I didn't quite understand why the male protagonist did not agree to play this game. As a college student, I still find it hard to understand that there are so many feelings and truths in life that need to be maintained by lies, because I believe 100% around me friends, they will naturally believe what they say! Although I may suffer, I still choose to believe in the future!

Human nature cannot withstand challenges and temptations, or you are ugly when you try to tempt...

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