perfect stranger

Emmitt 2022-12-01 15:32:29

The plot has a great sense of mystery and reversal. Even the most intimate people have many secrets that they don't know each other. Maybe they are ugly and betrayal, or they may be kind and beautiful, but maybe life still needs that 30% sense of mystery. If they are completely exposed to each other or their surroundings, I don't know what kind of rupture and emotional estrangement will occur. Everyone plays a different role in life and has a different mask, but they are all real self, all different self, accept and examine our own shortcomings and strengths, we have all tried to cover up for our own mistakes. At times, no one is perfect, and there should be very few people in the world who can confidently show themselves completely to others. Although we watch this movie from a third perspective, we are very clear about the mistakes that everyone has made and what they have done, and there will be a lot of lament, shock, and hatred for the people in it, but maybe we are also in our lives. Going through something like this, we can be sure that 70% of what we show to others is that we understand each other. In this big world, like two-leaf boats, they collide with each other in spirit and help each other grow. Confused life is also an attitude towards life. Appropriate confusion and being shrewd when shrewd will make life better.

The ending at the end of the film is also very impressive. How to say it relieves the despair and helplessness in my heart. After all, if this is the case, these friends will be scattered and separated. The feelings are real, and the things we do are also real. Sometimes when we really start to get in touch with social emotions, it will not be like when we were young. There are few people in contact, and we treat them wholeheartedly. We have to balance our needs. To split your love to different people. Their mutual feelings must also be real, not to mention hypocrisy. This ending is also a relief. They are all like that doctor. They live a bit confused, and there is nothing wrong with them. Choosing to believe is also a kind of ability and trust.

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