How is Perfect Stranger (Spanish Version) different from the original?

Talon 2022-10-09 09:18:17

I watched a movie yesterday. It was recommended by a colleague. It was called Perfect Stranger. It was about a bunch of old friends getting together and playing a game. Before playing the game, they definitely believed that they were familiar with each other, and they were a gang of best friends who had no secrets, but after the game, they realized that they were the closest strangers. There are little secrets that people don't want to be known about. What game are they playing? It's very simple, just hand in the mobile phone during the meal, and once there is any text message, phone call, WeChat and other information, it will be announced. In just such a game, human nature is exposed. ■There is a person who said it very well, the mobile phone is already our black box, full of unknown nature, even between husband and wife, it is full of little secrets that the other party does not want to know. After reading it, I was also very emotional. In such a small scene, everyone showed their embarrassment after their privacy was exposed. Yeah, the phone is already our black box, I was thinking, if it were me, would I be willing to share everything in my phone with others? I'm afraid not. The reason I don't want to share is because I also have my privacy, even in front of my best friends, I have a place I don't want to be touched, it's under my surface, like a faint little monster, being I take good care of it, but it doesn't have to be dark, sinister, and hateful, it can also be cute, kind, and cute. Everyone, under the surface of peace, will have a little monster in the psyche. ▼ Everyone has an unknown side. In the movie, whether they are gay, want to send a weak mother-in-law to a nursing home, or have a lover outside, these are unwilling to share, because the power supply requires It is dramatic, and in real life, there are also many people who are unwilling to share, just like me, now if it is not close people, I don't want them to see pictures of my children, if it is not close people, I don't want them to know my family I don’t want them to access my photos, the WeChat public accounts I follow, and I don’t want them to know me. Maybe in the interconnected world, there are many internet celebrities, and many people are willing to share their dinner, outdoor activities, and where are they today, but more people have begun to learn to protect their privacy and keep themselves from falling into the whirlpool of public opinion. This is also my nature, just like the gay guy in the movie, he doesn't bring his boyfriend to the party, just to protect his boyfriend from being a joke in his friends' mouths. This is the little monster in his heart, this is his nature, regardless of whether it is good or bad. ●I remember I read a sentenceThe western philosopher Pascal said in "Book of Thoughts": "When the truth is never known, what you do represents your true character. " I'm frightened, but I look at myself again, and I haven't done anything shameful in society. I just love picking my nose when no one is around. Is this considered bad character? It can only be regarded as a noble, but I am just like Like everyone, they are ordinary people, with their own ugliness and their own kindness. So, the movie Perfect Stranger looks good, making people start to be wary of the threat posed by mobile phones and recognize the evil of human nature, but in fact, why do you have to expose your privacy? I don't bother anyone.

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