Don't try to speculate on human nature, you'll regret it

Augustine 2022-12-09 20:32:58

After watching this movie, it is very heavy, not only love, marriage, family, but actually friendship and other feelings are very fragile and can't stand a little test.

Because the names of the characters are too long to remember, I will use A to represent the breast augmentation doctor and the psychiatrist couple, B to represent the husband and wife to blame the couple, C to represent the newlyweds, and D to represent the unemployed young man.

When the movie switched between different protagonists at the beginning, it actually implied that there were some problems between these families, and then revealed them one by one. At the beginning, everyone had a happy dinner, discussing work and life, and then the topic changed and began to talk about a friend cheating, and the difference between men and women. At this time, the difference came out. Couples or couples always like to win over their lovers, and they are not willing to give in at any time.

Then, as the female protagonist A wanted breast augmentation but did not seek her husband's surgery, the male protagonist A went to see a psychiatrist without telling his wife, the male protagonist B was suspected of being gay because he secretly changed his mobile phone, the male protagonist C sold his car license without his wife, the young man D Hidden the fact that he is gay from years of friends, these secrets hidden in the daily life of couples are revealed one by one, and there is no doubt that these secrets are more powerful than each other. I see a lot of people say that the fault of the mobile phone occupies most of people's lives, but if there is no mobile phone, people will not cheat and there will be no secrets? I still understand why the heroine A proposed to play in the first place In this game, is it a curiosity to spy on other people's secrets or to break everything that is bad, I believe it is the latter. It's just that the last secret is too big to be solved.

Of course, it is impossible to require that there are no secrets between everyone. In this case, there will be a lot less seasoning of life. But the secret should also have a bottom line. For example, the heroine A cheated on her husband and her good friend. When they are no longer in love and cannot be recovered, why not separate and liberate each other? Is it really because of the children, the elderly, and the family? No, this is everyone escaping from the problem, preferring to live a life of spiritual and physical derailment, let They are tormenting each other but not communicating. It is very tiring to live like this.

At the end of the story, the heroine C took off the ring and left. At that time, I thought it meant that everything was over, but I didn't expect the camera to go downstairs. In fact, they were together again. So, when the ring is turning, it means that when it stops, everything goes back to the starting point. Everyone is still deceiving each other and living the truth. This is the meaning of the movie title "Perfect Stranger". Everyday life They have a very close relationship together, but they are actually just strangers who don't know each other.

After watching this movie, I feel really down. That kind of powerless down is not because of being infected, but this kind of situation happens to each of us, and we are indifferent or pretend not to know.

Humanity has never been able to withstand scrutiny.

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