"Perfect Stranger" viewing experience - our relationship

Elisha 2022-11-21 16:04:05

Three friends around the film "Perfect Stranger" recommended me: "Love Horror Movie", "Adult Black Society", Fragile Relationships - I can't stand any temptation; after reading it today, I feel like I have to write something Not worth the recommendation of a friend's cracked wall.

The main scene of the film is in the kitchen-dining room-living room-balcony of Locke and Eva's home, and the ordinary family gatherings are very lifelike. Each of the seven protagonists has extraordinary acting skills. Even if the characters collapse, driven by the acting skills of the actors, the rhythm of the plot is still tight and smooth, and the saturation of the acting skills even breaks the boundary between reality and virtuality. The characters in life are also dressed in ordinary clothes, and the drama discusses the sparse and ordinary things in life: divorce due to derailment, what it means to have a child, education of adolescent children, homosexuality, how to deal with marriage breakdown, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law issues, whether breast augmentation is right or not. Accept your performance and so on.

The film opens with the brisk whistle of a scumbag, Cosimo, who clings like a dog to her new wife—a candid veterinarian and a novice wife. The mobile phone does not have a password, and I don't know that Eva's picky about her is actually a challenge from a rival in love. The second couple has a wife who loves to drink. She helped Pepe who came in last to take a sip of wine. She even took a big sip. Because of a drinking accident, the relationship between husband and wife was twisted and bound due to guilt in reality. Marriage here is a veritable passport, tied to various standards of society, and it just makes you withstand the strange look. The last to appear is Pepe, an unemployed and divorced gay man who has a gay lover. All kinds of secrets and stories are drawn from the mobile phone, rushing to the climax in the changes of the lunar eclipse, and ending in a mutual graceful farewell.

About the phone

The mobile phone is not a bomb that destroys the relationship between people, it has always been people themselves that destroy people's hearts. Your shadows and secrets won't disappear just because they're in your phone.

Not long ago, I had dinner with an older brother. He is a young genius who is now quite famous. That day, I didn't take him with him to show me something on my phone, and suddenly he said "Dear,...

The text message exploded in front of us, and he said a little embarrassedly and helplessly: "I don't know this person, her circle of friends... are all selfies and pretense." Then he deleted it in front of me. I thought to myself why you are a famous playboy, he went on to say, "In front of you, I still want to keep the appearance of my brother."

Among family members, lovers, and friends, we all preset our image and weight in each other's hearts, and we are all aware of this problem, but we still long to live in the love and praise of others, and eagerly beautify the projections in others' hearts. As Goethe said: You must have the courage to obey your own judgments and impressions, so that you can gain true knowledge and happiness.

This kind of absurdity is also because misunderstandings always come faster than the truth; it is also possible that some truths other than misunderstandings are more hurtful. Also as Pepe said, people need to have some secrets, otherwise people will be boring to get along with. Don't hand over your secrets, sincerity is not there, only your stupidity is there. Some things are neither all illusions nor all equivalents.

Everyone loves Pepe - I'll stop the bullet for you

Pepe's character design is deeply liked by my best friend. His golden sentence: because you love someone deeply, you are willing to block the bullets of the whole world for him. Language has magic power at this time, and one sentence to block a bullet can move a group of people.

Pepe in the film is the most sober gamer, and every word of his will become the foreshadowing of the story. He clearly realized that his gay lover could not bring this small group. Even his friend said that he was already under pressure and pain from being a homosexual for Pepe for 2 hours.

All the seven characters in the play detonate bombs one by one, and the only bomb of Pepe is the one with the deepest love for the lover, which warms the heart. Just like many people like the story of Adam and Eve, because Adam gave up his rib to win his lover. In reality, not everyone can give their ribs to love someone for free, let alone stop bullets. The courage to endure the pain of a broken rib is true love.

But not every love you sacrifice is the right Eve! No one knows what kind of future they will meet. Life is a journey of accidents and surprises. There is no right to go back in your one-time use right.

And what I like about Pepe is his view of having a child. Having a child to prolong your life is sometimes useful. Because you don't have to think about other things, just focus on the child. Is life meaningless without children? will not be happy? Life is selfish and death is selfish. Having a child of your own is selfish. In order to complete the marriage, in order to avoid the squeeze of the world?

My Favorite Character: Locke - Fragments of Love

The hostess, Eva, is beautiful, elegant, arrogant and picky, and the guests' playful jokes don't dare to hit her directly. Eva is the initiator of the big adventure game. As Pepe said, she is the killer in the killing game. She really wants to tell her lover, Cosimo, to prepare a breast augmentation for him.

The male owner endured his wife's betrayal after his love for him disappeared, and he went to see a psychiatrist for 6 months in pain. The wife asked Locke why he saw a psychiatrist. In Eva's opinion, Locke always thought that seeing a psychiatrist was a waste of time. Locke said: Even if we broke up, we can say that we tried our best. I have learned some important things by myself, how to moderate, not to escalate an argument into a quarrel just because it is too strong, and it is not weak to make a step, it is actually a wise move. I hope that everyone can learn it earlier, instead of wasting time on some insight into the human heart. The human heart is so ugly and see what it means.

The hostess took off the earrings given by her lover and asked the host, Locke, why did you refuse mobile games at the beginning?

The master looked at his wife's back and said meaningfully:

Because our relationship is fragile

Everyone is someone who is more vulnerable

Cell phones have become our black boxes, holding all our secrets.

Maybe it's too much, we shouldn't play games with mobile phones.

When love fades away, Locke tells us that the beauty of the first meeting is still left, and in the phone call for help from his rebellious daughter in adolescence, Locke told her daughter in love anxiety: "Don't sacrifice your first night to be angry for the other party, that's not the only reason. It's an important moment that you'll remember forever. If you're going to laugh whenever you look back on it, do it. But if you're not sure, forget it."

When he said this, he looked back at his wife from time to time. Even though love withered in his heart, it was still beautiful.

The crowd dispersed, Eva hugged Locke sadly, and the host choked up and ate the last dessert. He loves his wife so much, how can he not see the secret behind his wife, even his daughter is saying on the phone: You love her too much to see through her lies.

relationship fragility

A friend broke up with her ex not long ago. She mentioned that she once got angry and asked to look at the other party's mobile phone (their relationship only stopped at dating and eating), the other party unlocked it without any hesitation and handed it to her, then she knew that she had How stupid, the fleeting sincerity is brought by form, that sincerity moved her, she didn't turn over anything, and deleted herself from the other party's phone with red eyes. Once there is the idea of ​​hurting each other in a relationship, the relationship is doomed to last no matter how deep the love is. "Mrs. Chatterley's Lover" has the ultimate torture "Why can't men and women really love each other these days?" Tommy's answer is: "Women want you to like her, talk to her, love her and long for her at the same time. But I I think this is mutually exclusive.”

Some people think that passion is the glue that holds two strangers together. But passion is sometimes a hallucinogen, too easy to spoil and corrupt both parties, and the only advantage is that passion makes the absurd look beautiful. The maintenance of marriage I believe is responsibility, morality and boudoir pleasure.

People who went out in despair saw a bunch of white-haired couples supporting each other to watch the lunar eclipse. Things have changed, what kind of state of mind can we understand each other and erase those things that have hurt each other.

The world takes me in the process of closing, I open up to the world, and open the world. Through this film I opened up a new understanding of intimacy. After mutual injury, according to other scripts, the development of the characters should be separated from each other, but the reality is that they swallow the secret of pain.

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